Prologue (Part 1)

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My eyes slowly open, and I find myself leaning up against a wall. After assessing my surroundings, I slowly stand up. I seemed to be in some sort of house, specifically a living room, albeit a small one.

"Ugh, my head..."

I rub my temples, and take a breath.

"That's not important right now... Where am I...?"

I walk around the room cautiously, looking around. There was a small beige couch and a coffee table, and only now did I realize that on the table was a letter. I slowly walk over to the table and pick up the letter, opening it up. I read it out loud to myself.

"We welcome you, Kameko Morioka, the Ultimate Jack-of-All-Trades, to the chance of a lifetime! All you have to do is win a mystery game, and you'll be rewarded with whatever your heart desires! If you agree to these terms, please mark the box marked 'yes'. If not, feel free to mark the box marked 'no'. And please, think carefully before answering."

I pause, just staring at the letter.

(Win a mystery game? Rewarded with whatever my heart desires? This doesn't sound too bad...)

(But wait! Who are the people running it? How did I even get here!? Ugh, this is all so confusing...)

I look down at the table and see a pen, and I pick it up. After rereading the letter a few times, I sigh.

(This opportunity is too good to pass up, if this can truly get me whatever my heart desires...)

Kneeling down to the table, I mark the 'yes' box.

As soon as I do so, I hear a click. Looking in the direction, I see that there was a door I didn't notice before, and I set down the paper and pen. Walking over to the door, I twist the handle, and find it unlocked.

(Oh, it must have been locked before, I guess.)

I open the door, and find a kitchen area, which seemed to also have two other doors. One of the doors was open, and it looked like it lead to a bedroom of sorts. I walk up to the other door, and open it, finding a pantry. Seemed right to be in the kitchen.

I don't worry about the bedroom, and simply walk back into the living room, and seeing another door that I had missed.

(Damn, I'm blind.)

I walk over to the door, and see a key hanging from a hook next to the door. I take the key and then attempt to open the door, which was locked. I then take the key and try it in the door, and the door opens.

Light shines into my eyes, and I take a few moments to adjust to it. After doing so, I gaze at my new surroundings. I was standing in the doorway of a house, which I had been able to guess before, but this wasn't the only one. It was a house on a street of identical houses. Well, not houses, more like trailers.

I close the door behind me and lock it, putting the key in my satchel. I hop down the stairs, skipping the second one. Since the road is paved and, honestly, quite smooth, I glide down the street on my right foot, the one with the roller skate.

Looking to each trailer as I slowly skate, I don't see anyone, until...

"Hey! Heyyy! You, with the super mix-n-match outfit!"

A girl with a pretty deep voice runs down the street towards me, although I had no idea how she was running in those magenta heels...

She stops in front of me, breathing somewhat heavily before standing straight with a bright smile on her makeup covered face.

"Hi there! Did ya also wake up here?" She asks, her deep voice now more prominent up close.

"Uh, yeah, I did, just in that trailer over there." I point over to the trailer I had exited earlier. "Anyways, who are you?"

"Oh yeah, sorry I forgot to say so sooner! I'm Masahiko Fujita, the Ultimate Drag Queen!"

My face shows slight confusion. "Wait, Masahiko? Isn't that name masculine?"

"Yeah, of course it is!" She chuckles. "Sorry, I now realize the confusion. I'm male, actually."

"Ohhh, okay that makes more sense." Suddenly, the deep voice and flat chest make much more sense, as well as his masculine figure, that I only now realized.

"Anyways, please just call me Hiko! Also, who are you?" He tilts his head.

"Ah, I'm Kameko Morioka, the Ultimate Jack-of-All-Trades."

"Jack-of-All-Trades? What does that mean, like, as an ultimate?"

I shrug. "Think of it this way, good at everything, truly ultimate at nothing. Basically, I'm good at pretty much everything, but I'm not actually Ultimate at anything either."

"Ah, that makes more sense now!"

His smile widens as he looks down at me.

"Anyways, can I travel with you? I'm gettin' pretty lonely, and I've only been up for, like, 10 minutes!"

"Yeah, sure." I shrug, and smile at him. "Let's go then, Hiko!"

I grab his hand and pull him behind me as I continue to skate down the road.


I'm finally done writing this- (I've been procrastinating finishing this little part for, like, forever-)


Kameko Morioka:

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Kameko Morioka:

Masahiko Fujita:

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Masahiko Fujita:

Ok byeeeeee

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