Chapter 1 (FTE #3) (Minori Omura)

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After being dragged to the SameGtop, Minori pulls me over to the counter. Finally releasing his grip, Minori sits on the counter, and turns on his MonoWatch.

"Turn yours on too, and go to mini games!" Minori smiles wide, clicking onto his watch, and I reluctantly do the same. "Hey, hey lemme just-" Minori clicks onto Tic-Tac-Toe, and clicking on the "PvP" button, he selects his own name on my watch, and going back to his own, he clicks on a pop up saying that he had been challenged by me. A Tic-Tac-Toe board pops up on the screen.

"So, uh, who's X's?" As if to answer my question, the screen lights up, saying I go first, confirming that I'm X's. Sighing, I simply sit on the counter as well, silently agreeing the play the game.

(Time skip brought to you by JD's trauma of chapter 4 in V3 and Sdra2 :3)

"AUGH! ANOTHER LOSS!? HOW!?" Minori's face shows pure frustration, clearly annoyed at his 57th loss. Hell, I'd be frustrated too if I were the Ultimate E-Sports Gamer and still not won a single game of Tic-Tac-Toe. He's still a gamer, I expected more...

As I'm about to click the spot, I sigh. I'll give him one, let him save a bit of pride.

I click on a completely idiotic spot, and Minori gets three in a row of O's. His face immediately turns smug and he laughs broadly, pointing at me in mockery.


...Yeah, never again.

"Uh, I'm sorry? It's 57 to 1, are you seriously laughing right now?" I say, a bit annoyed, a bored look on my face.

Instantly, he sighs, before chuckling. "Sorry, that wasn't very Ultimate Hope of me, now was it?"

A bit confused as to what he meant by "Ultimate Hope," I sigh, before exiting the mini games

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A bit confused as to what he meant by "Ultimate Hope," I sigh, before exiting the mini games. "I'm leaving, it's been an hour." Sliding off the counter, I stand. Turning back to Minori, I sigh again. "This was pretty fun, let's do something like this again sometimes, okay Minori?"

Minori smiles at me, and grins. "Yeah, of course!"

I smile a bit back at him, and leave the SameGtop, walking back to my trailer.



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