Chapter 1 (FTE #2) (Kimiko Furuya)

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After going back to my trailer, I hold the dagger in my hand, simply twirling it in my fingers. I'm decent at knife throwing, since I'm decent at almost everything, but this was so intricately carved and so unique that I wouldn't dare.

Thinking of this kind of thing made me think of that little goth girl. Maybe she'd like it...?

I sigh and exit my trailer once more, shutting the door behind me and looking down the street, looking for the correct nameplate. The girl's name was similar to mine, I remember... Kimiko, wasn't it? Yeah, I'm pretty sure.

I look for her nameplate, finding it and walking up to her door, knocking on it. After getting no reply, I send a message on my MonoWatch.

Kameko Morioka: Hey, uh, I have this dagger thing that I think you might like, do you want it?

After about two minutes...

Kimiko Furuya: Meet at the Ice Cream parlor.

Receiving the message, I get up and skate over to the ice cream parlor, spotting Kimiko sitting in the corner, waiting. I sit across from her and she tilts her head up at me.

"Hello, Kameko." She says as I pull out the dagger, and she instantly lets out a light gasp. "Is that...?"

I just hold the dagger out to her and she gracefully takes it, smiling at it as she fiddles with it lightly in her hands.

" did you get such an item?" Kimiko mutters.

"I got it from the MonoMono Machine. I figured you'd probably like it." I shrug, and Kimiko holds the dagger in one hand, smiling creepily at me.

" I shrug, and Kimiko holds the dagger in one hand, smiling creepily at me

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"Thank you, Kameko. It's much appreciated."

"U-uh, no problem, Kimiko..."

Her smile creeping me the hell out, I leave shortly after.

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