Chapter 1 (FTE Part 1.5)

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After putting the piece of candy in my satchel, I head to my trailer and let myself in. Closing the door behind me, I head into my room and place the candy on top of my dresser, and thinking about what Ayano had told me about Mono-Crypto, I decided to search around my room to see if I could find any.




I find a few and I scan them to my MonoWatch. Now having some Mono-Crypto, I head back to the MonoMono Machine, and crouch in front of it.

I place my wrist up to the pad and the same "-1" appears on my screen as did on Ayano's.

Out pops a capsule, once again, and I twist it open. Instead of a candy like before, I pick up a sophisticated looking dagger. *This* was quite different from candy...

Whatever, I'll still keep it, someone may like it, I suppose.

Sighing, I decide that I'll save the rest of my Mono-Crypto for later, and I head back to my trailer.

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