Prologue (Part 6)

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Continuing down the road, we come to the end of it, leading to a turn back to the trailers. Looking though the archway that lead to it, we see someone who wasn't there before.

They looked to be even taller than that Personal Assistant guy from before, and quite muscular. Whilst I hesitate to approach, Hiko rushes up to them to introduce us, and I follow behind him.

The muscular man watches us approach, and waits for us to speak first, Hiko taking that honor.

"Hey, I'm Masahiko Fujita, Ultimate Drag Queen." Hiko points at me. "And this is Kameko Morioka, Ultimate Jack-of-All-Trades!"

The man smiles at us and pushes his hair out of his face. "It's a pleasure to meet you two! Allow me to introduce myself, I am Masaaki Satow, although Aki is fine, and I'm the Ultimate Ballet Dancer."


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*Wow.* Based on his outfit, it made sense, but damn, that was still unexpected as hell.

Aki continues, "I had just woken up in this trailer, here, and found a note on the table. I read it, of course, and that just makes this situation ever more curious, don't you think?" He asks genuinely, looking curiously back at the trailer he had gestured to a moment ago.

I nod. "Yeah, I found a note when I woke up too."

"Me too!" Hiko chimes in.

"Well, it's rather odd, to be honest, but I suppose if we all saw a note, it's the same for all of us, and we're all as confused..." Aki says to himself.

"I mean, you're not wrong there, I guess I just haven't brought it up," I say, shrugging, and Hiko nods.

Aki looks over his shoulder. "Hey, there was a girl who said she was going to keep investigating her trailer, I ran into her as she was searching the outside rim of her front door. She should be near the park on the other side of the trailer-... Uh, trailer park? Trailer street? It doesn't matter, but if you wanted to say hi, she might still be there."

At this, I nod. "Sounds good, thanks Aki." Aki nods and walks past us, going into the town area we had just exited, and Hiko and I walk down the street, but as we talk and do not pay attention, I skate on my one foot, and accidentally...


"What the actual hell, you uncooked ravioli-!" We hear a male voice shout at us as I skate directly into him, not seeming hurt much, but an irritated expression.

"Ah- sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going-" I say, hesitantly smiling at him.

He scoffs. "Your apologies mean nothing, not like you meant anything to begin with..." He mutters, and sighs impatiently. "Well? Are you going to introduce yourselves, or just blankly stare at me like a child who's waking up their parent at 2 in the morning because they had a nightmare?"

I just blink at him before Hiko introduces us, defensively moving in front of me. "Well, aren't you a *nice person.*" Hiko scoffs as well, although it was clear he wasn't very good at insulting people. "Uhm, anyways, we're Masahiko Fujita and Kameko Morioka, Kam being the Ultimate Jack-of-All-Trades, and myself being the Ultimate Drag Queen. And most people call me Hiko, but you? Nuh uh, it's Fujita to you, sir."

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