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CHAPTER ONE: Happy New Year!

"THE person you are trying to call is unavailable right now, plea-"

Evan pulled her phone away from her ear, frustrated. She'd called five times now. Yes, she and her girlfriend had had a small argument when they were getting ready for the New Years Eve party. But it wasn't bad enough for Cassie to slam the door, drive off, and now ignore her calls. Like, it was literally because Evan made a stupid joke about her dress - she makes stupid jokes all the time! Most of her jokes are!

Rolling her eyes and placing her phone back into the back-pocket of her black pants, she headed back into the house. She was met with a sea of people, all sweaty, loud, and intoxicated. The smell of weed and cheap body spray was rampant. Some girl was throwing up in kitchen sink with a guy wearing groovy sunglasses rubbing her back. There was a couple by the fire place having a very intense argument that seemed to involve a lot of hand motions. Oh, and the scrawny guy that had tried hitting on her earlier was now flirting with another disinterested looking blonde girl. Gotta love college parties.

Evan walked into the main room, looking for her friends. She spotted Maddy doing shots with some random dude. She could see through the window that Kat and Jules were still sat outside by the pool, giggling over something. It was Lexi, her girlfriends sister, hurriedly walking around and seeming very worried, that caught her attention.

Lexi must have been looking for her as well, as her face lit up in relief when she saw Evan, making a beeline toward her through the crowd of clammy bodies.

"Evan," Lexi exasperated as she stood in front of her, "Have you seen Cassie?"

"No," Evan replied, confused, "I was kinda hoping she was with you."

"I can't get a hold of her, and I haven't seen her since she left to go to yours."

Evan felt worry settling in her stomach. After Cassie walked out, Evan assumed she either went home or straight to the party - she was dressed up for if after all. But she hadn't seen her in the hour she'd been there, and if Lexi didn't...then where was she?

"I'm gonna go look as well," Evan informed Lexi, taking her phone out again and trying to call her girlfriend for what felt like the thousandth time. She made her way through the house, swimming through the sea of people. Almost a dozen texts had been sent, and they hadn't even been read. What if she was in trouble? Cassie never ignored her for more than an hour or so when she was pissed. She would have usually crawled back begging for affection by now.

Making her way down a hall, she saw Maddy pounding on the door to one of the bathrooms, practically trying to break in. That girl had no patience, but Evan supposed that when you gotta go, you gotta go. She headed toward the short girl.

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