13. Sweetheart

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95 VOTES!!!

Next chapter is special so to get that, complete the target.😇

Enjoy reading𓆩♡𓆪

Naina's POV

We both reached the restaurant. It was a cozy but pretty place. Beautiful aesthetics, beautiful vibes, soft music playing in the background.

We both went to the table, but I excused myself to the washroom. Going to the washroom, I did my business, washed my hands and settled my make up. I always try to look the as best as I can because why not. Duh.

Leaving the washroom, I headed towards our table and found him scrolling something on his phone. I sat in front of him.

"I am sorry to keep you waiting."

My voice took his attention, and he kept his phone aside.

I opened the menu card and asked.

"What shall we order? Fren-"

"I already did."


"I already ordered the food when you were in the washroom. I frequently visit this place and know what they make the best."

He explained and took a sip of water before continuing.

"I have ordered my favourites. I am sure you will like them as well."

"But what if I don't?"

"You will. I know. After all they are my choice."

He said and gave me a small but confident smile.

"I will order for myself. I don't really like your choice."

"You don't like my choice?"

He questioned raising one of his eyebrows and tilting his head to the side.


"Really? But Self-love is important, sweetheart."

He said and I literally froze, it took me a good eight seconds to register his works. Did he just- did he just say that he likes me? Well, his words did imply that.

I blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice.

Okay we flirt with each other at every chance we get, but we never called each other with these sweetheart type of words.

Are we levelling up the flirt game or something? Because he cannot be serious with this. Right, it's not serious, just some casual flirting.

And why the hell am I acting all worked up? It's fine.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

I wasn't unaware of the attraction we both feel towards each other. Actually, it was kinda obvious. But... being attracted and liking someone, are two different things.

How can he like me? We just met like three weeks ago. It's only twenty-one days. This little time is not enough to like someone, right?

Wrong. Look at you. You literally drool whenever he smiles. Now stop overreacting.

My inner voice answered.

"Look at your face. It's all red."

His voice broke my chain of thoughts.

He chuckled looking at me and I absent mindedly touched my cheeks. They were warm by the effect of blood rushing up to them.

"Here, have some water."

IT WAS HIMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon