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December 9th, 1925
London, England. United Kingdom.

December arrived and brought alongside it cold breezes and snow as it always has, specially for these past three years. Theseus has been working extra hours and barely slept at all. He switched his drinking habits, quitting whiskey and started drinking more water. And more coffee.

He couldn't understand how it has been five years of his world being at war and yet no one seemed to be able to catch Grindelwald, how he hasn't been able to catch him. He also wondered how did the Dark Wizard has managed to stay so underground as for the solution to be placing 'wanted' posters with his face on them all over the globe and hope for the best. Or, in this case, even hope for the worse.

On a more positive note, Theseus has been going more often to his mother's house due to how slow everything is at work, he hasn't gone out on dates at all, he has been focusing on himself. He has been in touch with Newt, whom had told him he had gone out on a mission, sent by Dumbledore a while ago but he hasn't received any letters for a week. This concerned him.

Today, he woke up when he felt cold, for he always sleeps with the windows open. He's gotten the flu over the years due to this habit that started when he came back from the Muggle war. These days feel like those days lately, it was years of fighting...he didn't know if he could go on like this any longer.

Theseus headed towards the kitchen and prepared some coffee and breakfast. He opened the door of his house and picked up his newspaper from the floor at the very same time an owl arrived carrying a message from...Dumbledore? He walked in, the owl on his shoulder and holding his newspaper. He threw it over the counter and the owl flew on it as it extended its leg for him to take the message.

"Thank you." He said and read the note. 'Newt is home, I suggest you pop by'. That was it. He nodded, feeling ease in his chest as he went over to find a sugar cube and gave it to the owl. When it was done eating the sugar, Scamander opened the door and it flew out. However, the fact that Dumbledore was the one to inform him of his brother's arrival worried him.

Theseus finished his breakfast, chugged down his bitter coffee and rushed to get a shower. When he was done, he brushed his teeth, got all dressed up with a blue suit, brushed his hair, grabbed his wand, sprayed some cologne on his neck and took his coat from the rack before heading out. In seconds he apparated before his brother's house.

The curtains were closed and no movement could be seen nor heard. Theseus frowned and knocked on the door but received no response. not from Newt or his assistant. His hand found the doorknob and he twisted it, expecting it to be locked but the door opened. That's when he felt concern taking over his body.

He stepped in with his wand in his hand and closed the door quietly behind him.

"Revelio." He whispered and no one appeared, no bad people were in the house. "Newt?" No response. "Newt, where are you?" He heard movement coming from down the hallway, from Newt's room but the only one walking out of it was a small creature. It looked like a baby deer, or a doe, but it certainly wasn't. "Hey, there." Theseus bent down and the creature approached him, he scoffed. "You're a Qilin." The creature started purring when he stroke its head, causing Theseus to smile and chuckle. He stood, took off his coat and blazer, rolled up his sleeves and placed his clothes on the armchair's back and carried the creature.

He suddenly started singing a song he remembered from his childhood until the creature settled in his arms and started to fall asleep, causing him to smile. Suddenly, the Qilin started purring and moving a lot, not to get off his grip but it was unsettled.

"Alright, Alright." He said. "Yeah? Alright." He chuckled. That's when some movement in the back of the room called his attention, it was Newt. His hair and clothes were messy, his skin had dirt on it and his hand had a bandage with stains of dried blood on it. "I don't know what got into her. I thought I'd gotten her good and settled, and then..." He shrugged, his blue eyes going from Newt's green orbs to his hand. "It's a nasty scrape, that is. And by the looks of it, it needs changing." He looked at the Qilin. "There, there." He stood up and placed the Qilin on the couch where he was sitting. "Where are your medical supplies?" Newt sighed.

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