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December 11th, 1925.
Nurmengard Castle, Austrian Alps.

Amélie was wide awake the entire night this time, she didn't allow her eyes to close, not even for one minute. Although it did feel as if her eyes were closed because of how dark the room was.

  She was thankful she had her watch with her and working, that way she was not going to go mad in this place, she knew time was going by and could take notes on it.

"It's been a day." She said to herself as she placed the watch into her waistcoat pocket. Amélie stood up with whatever strength that remained in her, for Vinda's torture session last night left her very weak, and started trying to find a way to get out.

  She looked through the small window that's in the door and saw there were no guards. Of course, she thought, why waste someone's time looking after a prisoner? She could use that to her advantage, though; the trick was getting the door open.

She searched her pockets, she had nothing she could use. Not even a mere hairpin. The room had nothing helpful either. It had bloody nothing, not a loose brick, not a stone on the floor, only small puddles of water here and there.

Amélie sighed as she heard footsteps on the other side of the door. She moved to stand beside the wooden gate, so that when the person opened it, she could throw them in and get out. It surprised her to hear the door was locked with a spell, meaning that, even if she had had a hairpin and picked the lock, the door still wouldn't open.

The door opened slowly and Amélie wasted no time in locking the head of the person with her arm and apply pressure to knock them out.

"Amélie." It was Queenie. "Amélie." She gasped for air and Rosier groaned before letting go. Amélie had wasted her resources of energy and her knees gave in, causing her to fall, as Queenie coughed. "It was me."

"Is there a difference?" Asked Élie from the ground. Queenie turned around and looked at her as she rubbed her neck and looked ashamed. Amélie looked terribly awful, her lip and eyebrow cut open, as well as her cheekbone; a black eye, and dried blood on her nose and lips. Rosier's blue suit had dust on it and a sleeve of her coat was wet, her hair was messy too. Queenie was filled up with concern to see her like this.

"My goodness...What happened to you?"

"Isn't it obvious? I didn't break through magic, so they tried physical force." A sigh left her lips slowly as she reclined her back and rested her head against the cold brick wall. "Although I did break...I told them everything I know. What I knew, after all, there was no point in lying. I'm surprised to find myself still breathing, people like these kill and get rid of those who are not useful for them anymore." She sighed and remained quiet for a moment. "You know? I told your sister I'd look for you while she was busy in America, and I did. I followed every clue that could possibly lead us to you, but I couldn't find you, Queenie." A beat. "However, for better or for worse, I'm here. I've found you think he'd let me send her a letter?" Another beat. Amélie chuckled with no emotion. "No, he won't. But, if he did, what should I tell Tina?"

"That I'm sorry." Queenie levelled with Amélie and sat beside her. "I went with Grindelwald because I thought that what he was offering actually sounded good. A world in which I could be with Jacob, you know? But it's nothing like it. It's just death and torture and lies to make people join his army to destroy my lover's world. And my own." She sighed and Amélie just listened. "That's what I'd ask you to tell Tinny. And I would add some words written by my own hand."

"I'm sorry for what he's made you go through. No one deserves to see any of that." She nodded

"Nor go though it." Amélie smiled very weakly.

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