• Characters•

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Sharma Family

Abhay Sharma

Aadhya Sharma's Father, Work in a Textile Company as a Chief director. Love his family and adore his daughter.

Rakhi Sharma

Aadhya Sharma's Mother, A normal housewife. Loves to cook for her family.

Ranveer Sharma

Aadhya Sharma's Brother, Just started his computer technology company. His sister bhayyu. Had a arrange marriage

Radhika Sharma

Aadhya Sharma's Sister in law but she take her as her own sister. Loves to take care of her family but she is also graduate from a company technology college.

Rajput Family

Ranvijay Singh Rajput

A great business man of his time. He was the man who made the Rajputs so powerful and popular. Dadu sa of Armaan and Former 👑 of Rajasthan.

Gitanjali Singh Rajput

A powerful women. She was the one who supported her husband the most. She was mostly behind the success of the Rajputs. She is rude for others but the sweetest for her close one. Dadi sa of Armaan and Former Queen 👑 of Rajasthan.

Anurag Singh Rajput

MD of the Rajputs Interprises. A well known business man and a great king and now he has passed the throne to his son. Baba sa of Armaan

Sonakshi Singh Rajput

A biggest cheerleader of the Rajputs Family and first daughter in law of Ranvijay and Gitanjali Singh Rajput. Wife of Anurag Singh Rajput. Mother of Armaan Singh Rajput. A great queen but now she finding the future queen and her daughter in law. Runs a NGO.

Viraj Singh Rajput

CEO of his company, desperate being from a wealthy family he started his own company in his own. Chachu sa of Armaan. Father of Avyansh Singh Rajput and Arnav Singh Rajput.

Sonam Singh Rajput

Second daughter in law of Ranvijay and Gitanjali Singh Rajput and Wife of Viraj Singh Rajput and a mother of Avyansh Singh Rajput and Arnav Singh Rajput. Chachi sa of Armaan Singh Rajput Helps her sister in law to run a NGO.

Avyansh Singh Rajput

Second eldest son of Rajput and Son of Vijay and Sonam Singh Rajput and cousin brother of Armaan Singh Rajput. Take his elder brother as a inspiration, will try be as hardworking as him

Khushi Singh Rajput

The only daughter and sister of Rajputs which automatically make her the apple of everyone. Daugher of Anurag and Sonakshi Singh Rajput. Sister of Armaan Singh Rajput . Studying medical currently.

Arnav Singh Rajput

The youngest of the family and the most funniest one. Son of Vijay and Sonam Singh Rajput and cousin brother of Armaan Singh Rajput. Is currently in standard 12th and taken the commerce stream so that he can help his family in business in the future.


Hope you liked the characters of the story and tell me if find any mistakes. Your response correct us and stay tuned for the first chapter. Like and comment on the story and follow me.
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Love you everyone
Stay happy and peaceful

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