First 'real' date

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Jisung couldn't take his eyes off Minho as he drove them back to their apartment complex. Not only was he beautiful and easy to stare at, but those perfect lips had touched Jisung's. Well, to say their lips touched was a massive understatement.

Jisung may have been lacking experience, but even he couldn't deny that they'd fully made out. Just thinking about it was making his heart jump up and down in his chest.


He could still feel Minho's lips brushing his in an electrifying way, could still feel the moment his tongue dipped inside his mouth-


"Huh?" His back suddenly straightened as he snapped back into the present. His eyes met Minho's as his cheeks burned. "I'm sorry, what?"

Minho obviously tried to keep his smile down, but he failed quite miserably. "You don't need to stare at me, Hannie, I'm not going to disappear."

The blush deepened, and Jisung tore his gaze away, pushing his glasses a little further up his nose awkwardly. "I'm sorry, I can't help it. I think I'm going to wake up any minute."

Minho chuckled in response. "It's okay, I understand."

Moments after another heated kiss, Minho had looked Jisung dead in the eyes and told him to go on a date with him. It was more of a request than a question, but Jisung didn't mind and agreed immediately. 

He couldn't help asking why, and instead of making him feel silly for being a little insecure, Minho had simply smiled and said, "I thought you were cute the moment I set eyes on you."

Jisung wanted a deeper, more detailed answer, but he accepted that for the time being, and they finally decided to pack up and go home.

Now that they weren't very far from the complex, Jisung was realizing exactly what this could all mean. The crush he'd told himself not to get too attached to had kissed him first. That couldn't be real. And then said crush asked him on a date? Another thing that could only be conjured up in a dream. It was amazing, but a little scary.

What if he messed it all up? What if Minho realized he was weird and not very fun to date? And if things went well, what would happen if Minho had to go back to Korea? No, Jisung didn't need to think about that right now, he had to enjoy his time with Minho while he had it. That is, if he didn't screw everything up from this point on.

"Are you okay, Jisung?" Minho asked after a few minutes, his voice soft with concern.

Once again, Jisung had to bring his mind back into normal functions. "Oh, yeah, I'm just..." Communication, Ji, it's important. Why did communicating clearly have to be so uncomfortable? "I'm nervous. About a few things."

Minho stopped the car, and Jisung finally took notice that they were home. "It's okay to be a little nervous, but you don't have to be," he assured, taking one of Jisung's hands. "What are you nervous about?"

Jisung made himself breathe. This was Minho, his first true friend, the one that was so careful about making sure he was comfortable at all times. He chewed his lip as he tried to think of how to put his concerns into words. "I've never dated before. You kind of knew that already, but... I just don't know what I'm doing and I'm afraid of messing everything up."

"Hey," Minho squeezed his hand, making him meet his gaze, "what you're feeling is pretty normal, and it's okay. But with me, you don't need to worry about anything. Think of it like this. You and I have seen each other almost every day since that 'one night stand'. We've gone to movies, we've gone to dinner, we've played video games for hours, we've done a lot together. And I've enjoyed every minute of it."

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