Just for a little while

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*This song is beautiful, the lyrics and everything. Highly recommend. Meant to stay Hid- SYML

Jisung slid the knot of the tie snuggly under the collar of his shirt, staring into the mirror blankly. He pinched and pulled at some areas of his hair, fixing some of the unruly strands, and then gave himself a final once-over. The suit fit nicely, just like Beth said it would when she bought it for him about two years ago. He'd only worn it once or twice when he went to church with Beth those few times she needed someone to go with her. And he wished he wasn't wearing it for a new purpose now.

Beth's funeral.

He checked the time, gut twisting as he saw that it was time to go.

A few nights ago, Jisung held Beth in his arms as she took her final breaths, and after an hour of trying to come to terms with it and facing her (rather rude) daughter, he retreated to a corner and called Minho.

He was far too numb to really register what he was going or saying, but he informed the alpha of Beth's passing in a quiet voice. Minho asked if he was alright. Jisung's assurance was a simple "I'm okay," and then he mentioned when the funeral was before hanging up.

Jisung knew he wasn't in the right state of mind and was in the depths of grieving, but he still felt a small amount of guilt for snubbing Minho in such a way. Their first conversation in nearly nine months and it was nothing more than a few sentences.

With a last mental speech, Jisung grabbed the keys to the car and left his apartment, a little unsteady on his feet, but oddly enough feeling a bit stronger he had in the past few days. It was like he could feel Beth holding his arm, telling him not to worry so much, that he was strong and looked handsome in his suit.

The sky was overcast, but it was warmer than the previous few days, which Jisung was grateful for. He didn't want to freeze his tail off at the cemetery. Nerves sparked and jolted through his blood as he pulled up to the cemetery, anxiously studying the small crowd of well dressed people gathering a few plots away from where he mother was buried.

Beth's family was very small, and she'd once explained that she never really saw them due to their 'crooked views and unkind ways'. As for other guests, there were three other old ladies, and older man that Jisung guessed might be her ex husband, and some people he'd seen frequent the library. But he didn't fully care who was there. He just wanted to lay Beth to rest, to pay respects to the only grandma he ever knew.

Jisung's presence mostly went unnoticed by everyone else, save for a girl with ashy blonde hair that appeared to be around his age, who smiled at him in a way that reminded him of Beth's smile. Her granddaughter, perhaps? He returned the smile and stood himself on the other side of the casket covered in colorful bouquets of roses and lilies; Beth's favorite flowers. At the sight, he felt himself begin to crumble, and he hugged himself, trying to keep it together.

Beth's daughter, who was a few feet away, scoffed when her eyes landed on him, and she leaned over to whisper to her husband. Jisung tried not to pay attention to that, but his heightened senses allowed him to hear exactly what she said.

"That disgusting gay boy she adored his here, how lovely."

A sharp stab registered in Jisung's chest, and he bit the inside of his cheek harshly. He was here for Beth, he wasn't here to shrink under a homophobic gaze.

The husband whispered something back, and the slur Jisung hated so much passed through the air like a poisonous gas that made him want to retreat.

Instead of retreating, Jisung backed a little further from the grave and focused on Beth, on the amazing person she was, how she took care of him every time he needed someone.

The Sound of Rain ^Minsung^Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora