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*I know this song is from a movie but I've never seen it. But this is just good soft vibes for this chapter (even though it's kinda spicy, it's soft spice)

*If not showing, it's Mystery of Love- Sufjan Stevens (I like the slightly slowed version it fits just a little better)

Minho stayed the night, despite Jisung's order to go home. And though he felt bad knowing Minho was sleeping on his cheap couch, he was also incredibly grateful for some company, even if that company was a room away.

Once Jisung managed to stop crying, he was out of energy completely, so after eating a little and taking some of the medicines Felix brought, he buried himself in his nest and passed out within minutes.

He was awake again after two hours, in pain and feeling feverish all over again. Minho was there in an instant, providing water, a hot pad, and more medicine. As a distraction, they watched a brainless Halloween movie since the holiday was just a few days away, and then he was asleep once again.

The same thing happened a few times, and Minho didn't complain about helping him once. He still refused to go home, and it made Jisung almost want to cry all over again.

When Jisung found himself waking up for a fourth time, it wasn't due to intense pain like it was the past few times he'd woken up. His whole body was hot, and his vision was so swirly it was difficult to see the time on his phone. It was just after four in the morning, so he tried forcing himself back to sleep to deal with things at a decent time of day. His body had other plans.

Within minutes he was kicking his blankets off and throwing his hoodie to the floor. It felt like he was boiling alive, and he could feel what Minho had called slick making a slight mess of his lower body. Inappropriate and rather lewd thoughts were flooding his mind, and his body was only further affected by that.

It seemed as if Minho's senses were powerful, because every time Jisung had gotten up, the alpha was there before he could even call for him. Jisung wasn't sure if he would be able to handle seeing him in this state, so he grabbed his phone and tried to calm down a bit as he opened the information app.

Jisung was not experienced in anything physical, not with anyone else, and not with himself. He was a nerd that was busy all day and passed out at night after watching something silly, so as he read through more information about heat, he was sort of appalled by what the app was suggesting he do to relieve these intense symptoms.

He needed an alpha. Since he had neglected himself in the pleasurable sense thus far, he was going into overdrive, meaning his body was trying to take over his mind and actions to turn him into a brainless mess.

Jisung dropped his phone and cursed under his breath several times, unsure and a little scared of what to do next. He fell back against his pile of pillows, shoving his hair back from his sweaty face. What if Minho came in? Should he wait to see if he would?

Jisung's hand moved, and he was only dimly aware of it until it met the problem that was growing in his pants, making his entire body jolt and a wobbly breath shudder out of his lungs. Pleasure was the only thing that could bring him relief now, and he hated it. If felt vulgar. Wrong. He'd never touched himself before, that was a good reason for his uncertainty... right?

A knock at his door ripped him out of the fog. "Jisung? Are you okay?"

The mere sound of Minho's voice made Jisung's body react, and he bit his lip to keep himself from swearing or making an embarrassing noise. He grabbed a pillow and hugged it to himself with both arms to keep his hands from wandering. "I'm- I'm okay."

"Can I come in?"

Jisung shook his head despite not being visible to Minho. "You- I don't think you sh-should."

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