Apps and snacks

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Jisung wasn't sure how much time passed. His eyes were closed but he didn't fall completely asleep, he just... floated. At some point he became partially aware of Minho talking, but after realizing it was in Korean, he knew he wasn't being spoken to.

At another point he heard a deep voice come from the direction of the door, accompanied with the sound of a plastic sack. Minho and Deep Voice spoke quietly for a minute, then all was silent again.

By the time Minho shook him awake and out of his daze, the water around them was cold, but he didn't want to move. "Jisung, I'll carry you if you need, you just have to make things a little less deadly. We're both wet and we could fall and give ourselves concussions."

Jisung, still not totally aware of himself, nodded and braced his hands on the tub as he began lifting himself up. Minho stood up behind him and quickly moved to the side to help him up the rest of the way.

Jisung's eyes focused right on the shirt Minho was wearing, tight against his skin now and dripping everywhere. Since Minho often wore jackets or looser shirts, Jisung was never really able to see that he was hiding the body of a god. It wasn't the most sculpted he'd ever seen but it was... just right. Yes, he was Goldilocks here: he found the perfect chest and torso.


"Huh?" He tore his gaze up to meet Minho's and his cheeks flushed red. Oh, he was definitely more aware now. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"I know, it's alright," Minho hummed, amused. "I understand. I'm a handsome alpha and you're in heat, of course you're going to stare."

Jisung closed his eyes, squeezing Minho's hands. "Oh, that sounds so bizarre. I don't want to believe any of it. At all. But... why does it make so much sense if it isn't true?"

"I know, I know, it's scary. It's a huge change."

Minho helped Jisung to the floor and told him not to move as he carefully stepped over to the closet by the door and pulled out a few towels. Once he handed Jisung one, the pair began drying off as best they could with their soaked clothes still on.

"I'll go grab you some clothes-"

"Minho, did you know?"

He paused, brow creasing slightly. "Did I know what?" he asked softly.

Jisung tried to convince his heart to calm down a bit, but of course it didn't work all that well. "Did you know what I was? This whole time?" He could already guess the answer, but he wanted to hear it from Minho.

"I did. I realized it the night we met, at the library. I caught the smallest hint of your scent." Minho rubbed the back of his neck. "When you came over to my place and asked why I smelled so good, I realized you had no idea what you were. I was going to keep it that way, but... Jason will get what's coming to him."

Jisung tilted his head in slight confusion at that last statement, and then he blinked. "Wait, your scent? That's what I've been smelling this whole time?"

Minho laughed lightly. "Yes, although I'm a little surprised you were able to smell it so easily. When you're un-awakened your senses aren't as strong."

Yes, this was definitely trippy dream material. Jisung then became aware of the soaked clothes they both wore. His hoodie weighed down on his body as a good reminder that he needed to get changed. "So... you'll answer more of my questions once we're changed?"

"Yes, we can get to all of them once you're taken care of."

Jisung nodded and while Minho left the bathroom, dropped his towel to the floor and began mopping up the water that had spread all over. He only had two towels, so these used ones would have to do.

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