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*This does have smut and it's a little more on the spicy side (but really mellow compared to others I've read lol)

*If you wish to avoid smut, it starts a little after this symbol ♠♠♠ and I'll summarize important things at the end for you so you don't miss story important stuff :)
*For everyone else, enjoy!

A few months had passed since Jisung was reunited with Minho, and those months somehow felt unreal yet so normal at the same time. Just like in Westfair, the couple took turns staying at one another's apartments whenever they had the chance, which typically ended up being on the weekends, and paired with that, they tried to go on dates at least once a week, if not more depending on their moods. 

As for Jisung, he took plenty of time adjusting to Korea, and the search for a job was proving to be difficult since his Korean was still very wobbly. Minho restarted their Korean lessons, but they weren't as frequent as Jisung probably needed them to be. Still, despite all that, Jisung was liking his new life. Especially when he was with Minho.

"There's really no reason to blindfold me when I still hardly know my way around," Jisung pointed out, slumped in the passenger seat of Minho's car as he fidgeted with the tie around his eyes.

"It's necessary for the surprise. It would be ruined if you saw it as we drove up to it." Minho's hand touched his thigh. "Relax, my dear, we're almost there."

Jisung laced their fingers together. "Okay, if you say so. You still have my glasses, right? You didn't drop them or anything?"

"They're tucked into the collar of my shirt, safe and sound."

"Good." Jisung fidgeted some more. "Is it weird to be nervous?"

"Is it a good kind of nervous?"

"I can't tell." Jisung felt Minho squeeze his hand.

"Trust in me, Jisung, I would never do anything with you that I know you wouldn't like."

Jisung nodded. Minho had never failed him before, there was no reason he would now. His anxiety was just very talented in messing with him.

A few minutes later, the car slowed to a stop. "I'll help you out, baby, one second."

Once again, Jisung found himself wondering what on earth Minho could have set up as a surprise. They'd done every cheesy thing imaginable, including romantic dinners by the river or on a rooftop, thoughtful gifts and random flowers, and even flower petals and scented candles filling each other's bedrooms. Yes, they had agreed to do every cliche thing in the book.

So what could Minho be surprising him with now? It had to be big, right?

The door beside Jisung opened, and Minho took his hand, guiding him out of the car and onto even ground. "Right this way."

"Min, I'm going to trip, I just know it."

"I won't let you, I promise. There are three steps right here and then a doorway, so try not to fling your arms around too much."

"I don't do that!" Jisung protested, following Minho's instructions carefully.

"You're so cute, but don't pout right now."

"Fine, I'll pout in ten minutes."

As they entered whatever building Minho was bringing him into, Jisung registered the faint smell of paint and freshly lacquered wood, and his confusion only grew. Was this a hardware store or something? No, it was fairly warm in this building, and pretty much every hardware store Jisung ever visited was cold.

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