Chapter Four: The Interview

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Luna stood next to her family as they got ready for the interview. She looked down at her own outfit and straightened out her black skirt and suit jacket. Loid turned to her and did her top button, "Is everyone ready?" he asked.

They all nodded and set out for the interview. Luna nervously ran her fingers through her onyx curls. "Posture," Loid said whispered as they entered the school grounds. 

Luna and Anya fixed their postures as they walked in amongst the many other hopeful Eden candidates. Luna looked around and noticed that most of the kids were Anya's age, but there were a few amongst all ages, likely transfers like herself. The hairs on the back of her neck started standing up, feeling as though she was being watched. Loid then says, "We're being watched. They are already testing us. Fall into formation D."

Luna takes in a deep breath and followed closely behind Loid, making sure that each and every step she took was calculated and proper. "Who is that down there?" a man asked from his observation deck.

"K-212 and J-128," an assistant answered.

The old man watched them carefully, flipping through his files to find that the older of the two sisters was adopted a little over a year ago. He looked over their tests and saw that the younger child had messy handwriting and a score that barely passed, while the eldest had neat handwriting and had a rather high score with only a few wrong answers here and there. He turned back and zeroed his vision onto the taller girl and noticed her perfect posture and elegant way of walking. "Humble beginnings may lead to the most elegant of people..." he muttered to himself. 

The family then came upon a statue, Eden's founder, and Luna's family all stood in front of it and paid respects. 'This will surely make them think of us as a proper, high-class family,' Luna thought to herself.

They continued walking until they noticed a boy that was stuck on a storm drain and was thrashing about in the mud. Loid went and helped the boy, getting mud on his clothes, but then changed into a new, and arguably better, suit. They continued walking and came upon an attendant, "K-212 and J-128," Loid stated.

The attendant told them to go to Hall A, but as they were walking, they turned around to see a stampede of farm animals heading their way. Luna saw a boy get dropped and left behind by his parents, but Loid went to save him. Then, she heard a little girl crying out and turned to see that she was being chased by a horse that had a wild look in its eyes. Luna ran toward the little girl, but noticed that she wasn't going to make it. She grit her teeth and, in the blink of an eye, strengthened her legs and jumped at the girl, tackling her out of the way. Luna made her legs normal as she opened her eyes and saw the girl crying under her. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" Luna asked, jumping off the girl and kneeling beside her.

The little girl opened her brown eyes and made eye contact with Luna, nodding her head yes. Luna smiled and hissed at the little scrapes on her arms and legs. "Luna!" Yor exclaimed, running toward the girls.

"I'm ok," Luna stated, getting up and helping the little girl get up.

"Becky!" a woman exclaimed.

"Mom!" the little girl cried, running toward the woman.

Luna smiled and walked back to her family as a cow was calmly walking away from Anya. "Forgers!" a man exclaimed.

They turned to see a man with a long, white ponytail and pointed beard. "You've bested me this time. We will be rescheduling the interviews so you can wear proper attire to them," he said.

Luna then looked down and noticed all of the rips in her clothes, but shrugged and quickly changed into a navy version of her previous outfit. "Not to worry, we prepared for something like this," Loid said after everyone changed.

Werewolf: SpyxFamily OC InsertWhere stories live. Discover now