Chapter Three: A Day Out

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Loid took the girls to an opera, Anya quickly falling asleep as Luna and Yor watched the show, both getting emotional. Afterward, they went to an art museum in which Anya was wandering around being extremely loud while Yor was looking at an art piece that featured a guillotine. Loid turned around to then see Luna staring at a particular piece. He approached her and looked up at the piece she was staring at. It featured a mob of people circling a wolf, who was lying on the ground under a man's boot, who was towering over it triumphantly. "Ah, Bouvan's Hunter," Loid remarked, turning to Luna, only to see that her face was showing a painful emotion, "Is something wrong, Luna?"

Luna turned toward him for a moment before clearing her throat. "N-nothing. I just... I feel bad for the wolf," Luna remarked.

"You like animals?" Loid asked.

Luna chuckled and rubbed a hand on her neck, "You could say that."

"Well, if you want I could try to incorporate a vegetarian diet just for you," Loid offered.

Luna smiled and said, "It's ok. Eating meat isn't what bothers me. In nature, it's only natural for animals to hunt each other for food, providing for their families and natural needs; however, this painting represents the way people hunt for sport. It's a death that feeds only the ego of the hunter," she then turned to Loid, "I do appreciate the offer though."

'She's awfully insightful for a 16 year-old girl...' Loid thought to himself before Anya caught his attention, yelling and making a ruckus.

Luna looked over and chuckled, before glancing at a kid's area. "How about we take her over there?" she suggested.

The pair met up with Yor and Anya and went to the kid's area so Anya could have some fun. As Anya went to play, the other three sat down at the benches aside the play area. "So Luna, what kinds of books do you like to read?" Yor asked.

"Oh... I like all genres... but my favorite would have to be fantasy," Luna answered sheepishly.

"That's nice, maybe we could get you a library card on the way home," Yor suggested.

Luna blushed and nodded. "Why fantasy, if you don't mind me asking?" Loid asked.

"That's it for testing today, now be a good dog and go to sleep," the scientist remarked, shoving a twelve year-old girl into a cage.

The girl wiped her tears and sighed, grabbing a book that the scientists had given her to help develop her reading and comprehension skills. Reading the words on its pages brought her far, far away from this cage and laboratory. To new worlds with no cages, to worlds with no labs to be trapped in. To adventures that went far and wide to places the girl could only dream of.

Luna coughed and said, "Um... it's a nice escape into new worlds."

Yor chuckles and said, "My brother Yuri likes fantasy as well, I think you two would get along."

Luna smiled softly and nodded while Loid eyed her suspiciously. 'She seemed to get uncomfortable about it. Does she have a secret past? Nonsense Twilight, it's likely just something to do with being a homeless orphan.'

Luna then glanced over at Anya, "We should go get her."

Yor and Loid nodded, getting up and walking toward Anya. Luna looked at her drawing and saw that there was a large castle, Bondman from her cartoon, a witch, and a large black horse? No, it's a dog of sorts. 'Creative?' Luna thought to herself, chuckling at her new sister's childish imagination.

Loid then took his family to get a family portrait taken. The family posed, and when the photo came back, everyone but Loid was super tense and basically frowning. Loid sighed as Yor put the photo in her purse. The group then left to go to a restaurant for lunch where Loid was given a dish that had a sort of writing on it, but Luna paid it no mind and ate her lunch. "Anya, you won't be able to grow big and strong like me if you only eat the peanuts," Luna remarked to her sister.

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