Chapter 8: Studies and Bullies

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Loid, Luna, and Anya all sat at the dinner table. Luna was quickly completing her homework as Anya was struggling. "Alright, so use this formula here," Loid said, attempting to tutor Anya.

Anya seemed so confused that it almost seemed as though steam was coming out of her head. Luna gave her a soft smile, put down her pencil, and turned to face Anya. "Look here," Luna said, holding her hand out, "You see how I have five fingers?"

Anya nodded, and Luna put two of her fingers down. "I still have five fingers, but now only three of them are up. So that's three out of five that are up," Luna explained, "Three fifths."

Anya's eyes lit up in understanding and wrote the answer on her paper. Loid looked at his eldest daughter happily, pleased that she was able to tutor Anya. However, their happy moment ended when Anya's head started steaming again. "It goes past five. This is too hard," Anya pouted, causing Loid and Luna to sigh. 

Yor then came over, offering to help, but after a minute or so Anya seemed to only be more confused, to which Loid said, "What's wrong? Well? Why can't you solve this?"

Anya then ran off to her and Luna's room, slamming it shut, yelling, "I don't wanna study anymore!"

Luna sighed and said, "She'll cool off in a bit, however that was a bit rude, Loid."

Loid sighed, thinking for a minute. 'Would a regular father be strict like this? It is imperative that Anya becomes an Imperial Scholar since the friendship scheme is all but lost, but maybe pushing this hard will do more harm than good...' "I apologize, Luna. Perhaps I was being a bit too harsh on Anya," Loid said with a soft smile.

Luna nodded and continued studying. "Maybe we could try to encourage her studying through rewards and praise?" Yor suggested.

Loid nodded, figuring that was a smart approach. "Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't butt into another family's affairs..." Yor said.

"No, it's quite alright. Thank you, Yor," Loid said with a smile, "Remember you are apart of this family now."

After a while of studying, Luna finally finished and stretched out, looking at the time to see that it was about time for Anya's show to start. She smiled and walked over to their room and knocked on the door. "Peanut," Luna said softly, "Spy Wars will be starting soon."

There was no response, so Luna very slowly opened the door to see Anya sleeping at the desk in their room, leaning on her homework. 'Aw...' Luna thought to herself as she walked forward, gently picking Anya up and putting her on her bunk. Luna turned back to see Loid and Yor in the doorway, watching her; Yor with an expression that screamed 'Awwwww' and Loid with a slightly shocked, but pleased expression. "We should just record her show," Luna whispered, walking out of the room.

"Those girls sure are something special," Yor cooed.

The ghost of a smile came to Loid's face. 'They sure are...'




"Here are your quizzes, I know you were anxious to see your grades so I'm handing them out early. You'll find that some of you did well, while others did not. There is always room for improvement, that's why we're in school after all, but do not settle for failure. Take it as motivation to improve," Master Evans said before calling people up.

"Benjamin Blackbell," he said.

Ben stood up and walked down to get his papers, only to be met with less than stellar grades. "I'm disappointed, Master Blackbell, please try to improve before our next test," Master Evans stated.

Ben's expression fell as he took his quiz from the teacher and walked back to his seat. After a few more people, "Diana Desmond."

Diana stood from her seat, her green-ish black ponytail bouncing behind her as she walked confidently. "Great job, as usual," the teacher praised.

Diana walked back her seat, giving Ben and Luna a pointed look before sitting down. After a few more people, "Luna Forger."

Luna gulped and stood from her seat, walking down toward the teacher. She could feel all eyes on her, likely anticipating a failure from her due to her status. Once Luna was stood in front of the teacher, however, Master Evans smiled, "Excellent work, Miss Forger."

Luna looked at her grades and saw 97, 95, 98, and even a 100! She relaxed and turned back to see everyone gaping at her in shock. Luna nervously smiled and made her way back to her seat. The first person she made eye contact with was Diana, and Luna smirked slightly, making Diana furious. Then, Luna looked away and made eye contact with Ben, who was in awe. She sat down beside him and he immediately said, "Tutor me."




Ben groaned as he sat beside Luna in the library. "How are you so good at math?" he asked.

"I guess I just have a knack for it," Luna said with a nervous smile before tutoring him on the next problem.

They continued working on math until they finished their sheets. "We have like 30 more minutes of free period, so I should be able to crack open a new book..." Luna whispered to herself, drifting toward the back of the library, Ben opting to keep going over his math notes so he could better understand them.

She looked around until she heard a scoff, "What are you doing here, Miss Homeschool?"

Luna cringed and turned around to see Diana standing behind her. "I'm simply browsing..." Luna answered before turning around to continue looking at the books.

Diana growled at the fact that Luna was ignoring her and grabbed Luna's collar, turning the shorter girl to face her. "What are you playing at?" Diana growled quietly, "You think you can just stroll in here and act like you belong here despite being nothing more than a peasant who got lucky? And what's the deal with those quizzes earlier? Nobody has ever gotten better grades than me. Did you cheat? I bet your poor ass cheated."

Luna gulped and stared straight into Diana's golden eyes, "I don't get why you have a problem with me, but I think that you're being very unreasonable. I may not be high born, and I may not be rich, but the headmasters of this school deemed me worthy to walk its halls, and so I shall walk them and do my best while doing so, even if that means outperforming you on a quiz. The fact that this threatens you is your problem, not mine."

Diana turned crimson at Luna's words and grabbed a nearby book and threw it at Luna's face. Luna, however, was quick to catch it with her sharp reflexes, leaving Diana speechless. "Are you done?" Luna asked, tired of this bullshit.

Diana, looking into the annoyed hazel eyes of Luna Forger, which seemed to be glowing in the soft lighting of the library. A draft blew through the library, making Luna's short ebony curls blow in the wind. Diana instantly became aware of every feature that Luna Forger had, and she felt something stir within her, the feeling making her uncomfortable, unsure of everything she knew. Diana's cheeks turned a soft red as she growled and said, "Whatever... you're not even worth my time, Miss Homeschool."

Diana then walked away, leaving Luna utterly confused. 

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