Chapter 57

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"I will be leaving soon," Astelle replied.

Fritz paused for a moment before making a request. "Can't you stay a few more days? Mother's charity ball is just around the corner," he suggested.

Every year, Astelle's mother used to host a charity ball at the mansion during this time. It was an event where guests were invited to make donations to help the less fortunate. However, after her mother's passing, the charity ball had not been held for many years.

After Astelle made her debut in society, she took it upon herself to revive the tradition of her mother's charity ball as a way to honor her memory. She organized the event at the mansion every year until she married Kaizen and left the capital. Since her departure, the mansion had been devoid of guests, as there was no longer a hostess to continue the tradition. As Astelle counted the dates, she posed her question to Fritz.

"Did you carry on with the charity ball during my absence?"

"Yes... I took charge of it myself."

Astelle found herself mildly taken aback. The ball's organization was typically the responsibility of the hostess, a role Fritz had never undertaken before. Historically, he hadn't even shown interest in such affairs.

'Is he genuinely remorseful?' Astelle wondered.

It seemed implausible that Fritz, known for his obstinate nature, could harbor such regrets about the past.

'Yeah, it's all in the past,' Astelle remarked, acknowledging the futility of dwelling on what had already transpired.

Astelle firmly believed that whatever Fritz did now was none of her concern. She had no intention of staying long enough to attend the charity ball, as her circumstances did not allow for leisurely engagements.

"I'm sorry. I have to leave in two days, so I cannot attend," Astelle explained, her voice resolute.

Fritz let out a melancholic sigh in response to Astelle's unwavering answer. "Okay... then there is nothing I can do," he said, his disappointment evident.

Astelle sensed that their conversation had reached its conclusion. She feared that she might say something unnecessary or hurtful if they continued to argue. With a calm but cold demeanor, she requested that Fritz leave.

"Then, please go back now. I have to wash Theor and feed him," Astelle stated with a hint of detachment in her voice. Fritz's pale green eyes filled with sadness once again, but he obediently complied with Astelle's request.

"Yes. If it's alright, I will go see Grandpa. It's been such a long time, and I want to seek his forgiveness," Fritz expressed, his voice tinged with remorse. Astelle couldn't deny him the opportunity to meet his grandfather.

"I believe Grandpa is in the garden," she informed him.

"Okay," Fritz acknowledged, his gaze lingering on Astelle for a moment. "If you need anything, feel free to contact me," he offered.

"Okay, I will do that," Astelle replied, her tone neutral.

Astelle wasn't particularly eager to rely on Fritz's assistance, but she acknowledged the possibility of needing his help in the future. After all, he was the heir to the family.

She made it clear that she would only contact him if there was a genuine need, and otherwise, she would refrain from reaching out. Despite her reserved response, Fritz seemed content with her reply.

"Thank you," Fritz expressed his gratitude, his voice filled with a mix of emotions.

Silence lingered in the air for a moment before Fritz turned around and made his way towards the garden. Astelle watched his retreating figure and then closed the door behind her, deep in thought.

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