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Chapter 2: The Zombie Apocalypse, 2

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The cleaning of the staff produced by the system is more neat and efficient than Wenzhu's own work, and she feels that it only takes more than two hours for the store and bedroom to look brand new. Cosmos even dismantled the chaise longue, blankets, sheets and bedding and took them to the bathroom, and then stood still, indicating that their task was complete.

Wen Zhu found that it didn't move, and only after reacting did he understand, and the system's prompt sounded at the same time: "The task is complete, congratulations to the host for obtaining three first-class commodities, a complete set of living facilities, and fifty points." The points have been credited to your account, and the random categories of the products are: cigarettes, instant noodles, sandwiches.

Then, sitting on the recliner, Wen Zhu saw that the three counters in the middle were filled, with different cigarettes in various color packages, different flavors of instant noodles in buckets and bags, and sandwiches in different colors representing different flavors.

She hadn't eaten for a long time, so she immediately ran to the back of the counter and grabbed a sandwich that was sealed in a plastic bag, without any brand information, only with the ingredient list printed on the back, and tore open the package before she had time to check the taste, and then paused: "System, I can eat the goods in the store, right?" Don't want to pay points?

She was so excited just now that she forgot to ask. Having experienced hunger in the last days, Wen Zhu has an irrational craving for food, and although she knows that she is only a soul body now, the feeling of hunger is easily awakened.

The system replied easily: "Please don't worry, as a store owner, you don't need to pay any points for your life in our store, and the value you create to the system is much higher than the consumption." Do hosts now choose the style and combination of a full set of amenities? You can choose to apply a system template, or customize the collocation. The following screen can be opened after it is closed, please select it.

Wen Zhu is gobbling up a jam sandwich. She actually didn't like the blueberry jam taste very much, but she couldn't care about it at all, she was choked on eating too quickly, stretched her neck and went down, and it took a while to stroke her chest and gasp: "I'll take a look first."

The interface quietly opened in front of her, divided into two rows: single item and template. There are only five kinds of templates, and the applied items all look similar, much like the primary choice in the decoration and elimination that I played before the end of the bamboo season. Very beautiful set of decoration and facilities, just at a glance can see that it is simple, and it will not be very expensive in the system mall.

Wen Zhu couldn't help but touch the second one after eating a sandwich, but when she saw a water dispenser on the template, she couldn't help but swallow her saliva and decided to eat instant noodles after finishing the decoration.

She cursolutly rummaged through all the options, opting for a dark blue and cream bedroom décor, and light blue and pearl white for the storefront. Wenzhu feels that the dark blue color makes him feel calm, and the milky yellow color is light and sweet, which is very suitable for the daily living environment. The light blue and pearl white are clean and bright, and the original floor pattern is not abrupt, so she directly chose these two sets of templates.

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