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Pinellia novel

Chapter 121 121 ★ Zombie Apocalypse, 121

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Previous Chapter: Chapter 120 120 ★ Zombie Apocalypse, 120

Next chapter: Chapter 122 122 ★ Zombie Apocalypse, 122

Chapter 121 121 ★ Zombie Apocalypse, 121

◎ Overwhelm others with force ◎

After the celebration, Wen Zhu’s work entered a stage of gentle development. After about ten days, all the follow-up finishing work was completed, and she started busy again.

Wen Zhu selected ten people from the already formed armed force to join him, and he boarded a helicopter and headed to a neighboring province to open a branch. The weather had turned cold, so she put on a leather jacket, looking extra heroic, tall and mighty. People in the armed forces have the highest recognition of Wenzhu, which is somewhat of a personality cult.

After all, despite the fact that in this apocalypse, it seems that superpowers are omnipotent and have a noble status, human civilization has collapsed, and that's all they can enjoy. Except for the kind of people who think that being a good person is more important than anything else, who can endure this kind of life and not be crazy? And because they have to kill zombies in the field, the mortality rate of superpowers is actually very high. In the eyes of ordinary people, supernatural beings are of course an evolved species that has adapted to the end of the world.

But is this really the case?

The Taoyuan built by Wenzhu is also a dream utopia for people with special abilities.

If you can't ride on the heads of ordinary people and dominate, what's the point? In this life, one has to be ordinary to be real. If you want to be excited, isn't taking the exam exciting? When they failed, their blood would burst from the top of their heads.

Having choices is the real freedom, and being able to stop working for survival is the real master. Even without taking the exam, their safety factor and employment prospects have been greatly improved.

Why can't she be considered their unparalleled hero?

In particular, the armed forces are now more united and have a strong collective consciousness. Their training method was compiled by Zhou Jinghui based on Wen Zhu's ideas and his own previous experience. It was basically the same as the training Zhou Jinghui and the others received, but the intensity was reduced. Wen Zhu planned to gradually increase it, with the ultimate goal of challenging these abilities. the limit of the person.

The main reason why it can't be done in one step is that if the training is too hard, no matter how good the benefits are, it won't retain people. They still have to get used to it first, and then slowly increase the amount.

After all, the original army was more casual, and few were as disciplined as the army, with orders and prohibitions and regular training. A base that can support an army must be large in scale, and must have abundant, sufficient, and stable supply of a large number of resources. The conditions for invisibility are very high, and it cannot be achieved by just some superpowers with combat effectiveness.

Even if Wenzhu's own ability and prestige can completely convince these people, objective reality must be considered. They have not undergone systematic training and are not very disciplined. They may not understand the meaning of boring and repetitive training at all, and even if they understand it, they will not be able to persist. As soon as it started, it was pushed to the edge of their endurance, and the result must be frequent deserters.

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