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Pinellia novel

Chapter 128 128 ★ Zombie Apocalypse, 128

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Previous chapter: Chapter 127 127 ★ Zombie Apocalypse, 127

Next chapter: Chapter 129 129 ★ Zombie Apocalypse, 129

Chapter 128 128 ★ Zombie Apocalypse, 128

◎Women who escaped from death◎

Even in the peaceful and prosperous times, some people will inevitably dream of becoming emperors and opening a harem, not to mention that in the apocalypse there is no one to supervise them. Wen Zhu himself has seen many people who claim to be emperors, even create their own religions, and want to be masters. After the end of the world, Hong Xiuquan will have more than a dozen brothers in one place.

It is even a law that the smaller the strength, the greater the reputation.

There is a feudal-plus-slavery system in the surrounding base, and Wenzhu knows it, because as the number of guests here gradually increases, the capsule hotel also has many more residents, and a lot of information will come to her continuously even without Wenzhu deliberately collecting it. Come. Wenzhu's attitude towards this base was scornful, and he was murderous.

The leaders of other bases still have the opportunity to make mistakes, but Wen Zhu, the leader of this base, will never let him live.

She is not a reasonable person, so why should she tolerate the last emperor?

According to Wenzhu's experience, those who call themselves commanders value team fighting capacity more. Those who call themselves bosses must talk about loyalty. They call themselves prime minister or president. Although they want to build a country in their hearts, they also feel that they have two management skills. Those who call themselves emperors simply want to be the master of those who trample on others. The previous types of Wenzhu are tolerable. After all, when they realize that they do not have that ability, they will be obedient. Only this kind of person, who wants to be a master with all his heart, will inevitably cause trouble in the future.

And they never respect others, especially women. In a place where women are treated like pigs, dogs and slaves, the thoughts in the minds of those in power must be more perverted than what they actually do. Operations in reality are also limited by strength and resources, in his mind. That poisonous concept is madness and viciousness without any limits.

There may be some women in this group who are instigators, or people who are just trying to survive. But the men in this base are the ones with venom in their genes. Wenzhu planned not to keep any men who had encountered women and participated in violent exploitation. Basically, there would not be many men left in this base.

Wenzhu didn't care.

As for children born to oppressed women, handle them accordingly. If they want, they can raise them by themselves, if not, they can send them to an orphanage. If they resented the child's biological father so much that they killed the child, Wenzhu could turn a blind eye as long as they didn't do it in front of Wenzhu.

Anyway, there were many cases where I turned a blind eye in the past. Compared with other people's homologous revenge, Wenzhu understands better the deprivation of life by the person who gave it to him. Motherhood is natural, but motherhood inherently contains the power of life and death. A woman could have chosen to have children or not, since she had no choice but to be forced to have children. Then someone must bear the consequences.

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