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Pinellia novel

Chapter 137 137 ★ Zombie Apocalypse, 137

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Previous chapter: Chapter 136 136 ★ Zombie Apocalypse, 136

Next chapter: Chapter 138 138 ★ Zombie Apocalypse, 138

Chapter 137 137 ★ Zombie Apocalypse, 137

◎ Roll it up! ◎

The main content of the meeting is first to announce the demise of the Kingdom of Heaven, then to introduce the newly increased population, and then to recruit workers.

The prerequisite for recruiting is to go to school.

This was even unexpected by Lin Ruoyu and Jiang Heng.

Although the flyer said that there was a school in Taoyuan, they didn't think it had anything to do with them. Who in the world today promotes compulsory education? It would be great if we could strengthen the education of minors so that they could at least know thousands of commonly used words, or run a few cram schools for a purpose. It could be considered a large base with complete infrastructure.

However, Taoyuan's education system seems to be very complete. In addition to basic general education, there are also many vocational education and higher education. Since everyone has basically gone to school, there are not many minors, and there are more infants and young children, so if you want to find a job, you must pass the general education exam, and then you can choose based on your career choice or family situation. Receive vocational training or pursue higher education.

Minors under the age of fourteen must study in school. Moreover, before the end of the world, their educational level was basically very low. It was equivalent to learning from scratch, and they had to accept school arrangements and do some work within their ability. Because not many children like this have families and cannot take care of themselves, the school is basically like a big parent, and Taoyuan is their reborn parent. It is very necessary to work hard and cultivate a sense of gratitude and loyalty.

Starting from the age of fourteen, children can work-study based on their learning level, work ability, expertise, etc. On the one hand, they can repay the portion of their tuition and miscellaneous fees that have not been exempted, and on the other hand, they can prepare for work. Since there is no age limit, once you graduate from the general education examination and do not plan to continue studying, you can work full-time and enter the society.

It's the end of the world, and Wenzhu's resources are limited. Violence and abuse are not allowed without beating or scolding. A psychological counseling office is set up to provide them with food and clothing. These are all children's rights.

In Taoyuan, there are basically no jobs that do not require academic qualifications, and the remuneration for pure coolies must be the minimum. There is always a steady stream of prisoners doing this kind of work. It is conceivable that there are not many opportunities for hard work left for ordinary people, and they are not worth doing. Therefore, the idea of ​​taking the exam first if you want to work was deeply engraved in everyone's heart after the conference.

Moreover, good academic performance and quick passing of exams can be rewarded, and the tuition for basic education is not expensive. Wenzhu has also launched a student loan, which can be deducted from the applicant's salary after working, and the interest is also very low.

Of course, in this case, the job position must be subject to adjustments. If you have never been able to get into the major you want, you cannot get unlimited loans. Wenzhu said directly that this is because there are not many points in the student loan pool, so everyone has a limit on the number of times.

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