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Chapter 54: The Zombie Apocalypse, 54

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As soon as Wen Zhu left, Ma Linlin and the others also left in a hurry. It's not that they have anything to do, but they think they'll have to go out to work the next day. They don't say that they stop their hands and mouths, but their savings are not too much, and they can't sit back and eat.

Now Taoyuan is already a small paradise, if you open a new store in the future, you don't know what kind of enjoyment you have. Today's capsule hotels and big TVs fascinate them, don't you want to live in the big hotels of the future? Don't you want to go to a big hotel in the future?

In this way, the little money in my hand now is really nothing, and I still have to work hard and search for valuable things. And now Taoyuan's reputation has been beaten, and two large bases have been contacted, although Wen Zhu said that it will not affect the order of the main store, but who will know?

Let's just say that if there are people in both bases who have the idea of leaving and live directly to enjoy the convenience and endless enjoyment, won't it squeeze those who came a little early? Competition is everywhere, and rolling up is inevitable. Ma Linlin, as the brainchild of the trio, has lived with her cousin and cousin until now, and her small life is quite nourishing, it can be seen that she is a well-chested person, her luck is good, and her brain is flexible, on the way back, she simply stood on the side of the hall of the capsule hotel and muttered to her brothers.

Because she felt the urgency and pressure, Ma Linlin's voice was very small, but very powerful: "In the future, we will try to find something valuable and save more money." The idea of taking refuge in a big base should not be repeated in the future. I wasn't happy in the first place, what big base can compare to here in the future? I thought, now that I am staying in a hotel, who knows if I will rent a house or even buy a house in the future? Boss Wen's ability is great, now such a stall, others can't support it, who else can compare in the future? I see, these two big bases are not willing to cooperate with her, but what can be done if they don't cooperate?

Ma Linlin said, she was also a little embarrassed, but she just shook her head and didn't think about it deeply.

Living in such a world of crisis and precariousness, what people are most afraid of is thinking too much. Once the brain is idle, everything can be thought of, so what's the use? It will only increase the annoyance and melancholy. Don't think about it, you can still live together, day by day, and the days go on like this.

Although Ma Daquan trusted his sister's brain, he himself did not completely give up thinking, and he couldn't help frowning when he heard this: "Boss Wen is capable, we all know this." But...... Isn't there still a Qiming base that hasn't moved? In the end, we are still the boss here, and no one knows what the Qiming base means..."

That's the size of a large base. Even if you don't move, everyone around you will be afraid. The Qiming base drags a lot of people and has its own shortcomings, but its management ability and strict organization are by no means comparable to the two old two bases, the Shuguang base and the Fengyun base. Although the Qiming base is only a remnant of the military, a set of personnel and management rules and regulations handed down makes the atmosphere absolutely different from that of the base below. This is the biggest advantage of Qiming base.

✓Disaster: My Taoyuan front store and back factoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora