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Chapter 33: The Zombie Apocalypse, 33

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Level 0 restaurant, which also looks half-new, Wen Zhu appeared at the cash register on the left hand side after entering the door. Like other stores, the checkout counter is mainly responsible for redeeming points, swiping cards, and recording customer information, and there is a shelf against the wall with two kinds of drinks: a box of red apples and a bottle of peaches.

Opposite the door is the dining area, there is no kitchen, only five credit card machines and a yellow line on the ground to separate the pick-up area, it seems that the restaurant mode is to swipe the card, not to be there for customers to pick up. Therefore, there are menus posted on three walls, divided into three categories: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The system prompts: "Do you want to move the menu from the convenience store here?"

So much food is placed in convenience stores, the taste is complicated, and it is easy to lose appetite when you smell too much. Wen Zhu immediately agreed: "The grilled sausage oden that can be classified as a snack is not needed, and the others that can be counted in the three meals are moved over, so that it is cleaner and clearer."

She's a bit of a tidying up habit on her body, and she had no choice but to pile them all together.

The few people who were sitting and waiting in the convenience store were all taken aback. Although they knew that when they didn't come, the store would undergo many changes, and there would be new products every once in a while, but they had never seen the purchase, and they didn't know how Wenzhu expanded the store and how to get the water and electricity supply.

Now seeing the multigrain pot, egg pot, noodle bun porridge soup swishing away, several people suddenly jumped up, and Ma Dazhuang screamed loudly: "My noodles, my buns, my dumplings!" Ahhh

CoCo, who was sitting at the cash register, had to stand up to reassure the customer: "Please don't be nervous, this is the owner adjusting the goods, and a few people can go to the restaurant to see the new dishes later, and you can also find these meals." Now you can buy the items at the convenience store.

The intelligence level of Samsung employees is not high, but in general, it is higher than the original technological level of this world, although CoCo is not completely human when she speaks, but her tone and expression are not as stiff as AI, even if she is a fan, she doesn't look like a stranger, but...

With this dragon fruit-colored hairstyle, fair skin, and clear eyes, people can know at a glance that she is not simple. Zhao Xiran, although they are curious, they have also tried two sentences, but CoCo can only talk about the wall, they can't ask, and they don't work very hard - while the boss is not there to test other employees, they can still talk about it, you have to get to the bottom of it, what are your intentions?

Several people are measured, and besides, they don't have al-Qaeda forces behind them, so why do they know so much? They only hope that Wenzhu's business will become bigger and better. Originally, I only knew that I was going to open a hotel, but now I heard that even a hotel was open, and I immediately swallowed my saliva.

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