Chapter 21- The Greatest Leader

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If you've been reading for a while, please take the time to re-read from a few chapters back so the content is fresh is your minds again, it's time I finally wrapped this story up and end the wait. Please comment, vote and leave your thoughts on the story!


"Horikita-san, Yosuke-kun, thanks for showing up so quickly, The extreme details of what I'm about to say now has to stay strictly a secret between only between us 3, until I say so in the future. Can you guys promise me that?" I asked them earnestly.

Horikita-san and Yosuke-kun nodded seriously, signaling their agreement and readiness to listen.

Relieved by their response, I launched into my explanation, detailing the intricate plan that would benefit not only us but also Kiyotaka. 

"I want you guys to check our class list on the OAA app. It's about him" I said, pointing to the significant update.

As they checked their devices, their surprise was palpable upon seeing Ayanokoji's name on the class-2B roster, having been transferred from class-2A.

"Karuizawa-san, what's this about? W-why is Ayanokoji-kun's name back in our class list?" Horikita questioned, her voice tinged with confusion and concern, mirrored by Hirata.

Ayanokoji had been a member of Class-A for only about 3 weeks before the incident which left him stranded from the high school, but there it was, his name has re-appeared in class-2B and consequently removed from class-2A.

"Kei, please explain to us the what's happening, what's happened to Kiyotaka? We've heard absolutely nothing from him today, even the likes of Ichinose-san and people from other classes are concerned but we've clearly been told a lie about his status by the school" asked Hirata with much curiosity and worry.

I took a deep breath, preparing to dive into the complexities of the situation. "This is going to be a long story, but please bear with me. By the end, you might be surprised, but everything will be explained in due time," I assured them.

I thought to myself how uncharacteristic of me this was, I'm someone who has relied on Kiyotaka ever since we've started dating. Reflecting on my own transformation since dating him, I realized the importance of stepping up with my responsibilities. It was time to repay my debt to Kiyotaka's and strive for Class A, utilizing all that I had learned from him.

As the leader of the girls in our class, it's time I step up to an even bigger role and get what needs to be done, for him. 

As someone who's actions have so drastically changed the culture of this class and given us a stepping stone to be great, I need to finally repay Kiyotaka's effort and do what must be done.

I can no longer just hide behind him every time I face an inconvenience, nor can I be so emotionally swayed by any troubles I face, I need to be strong and with the collaboration of everyone in class B, we must reach class A. 

I told them everything, Kiyotaka's childhood and who he is, why he did what he did over the years at this school and what this school meant to him, and what our goal was now, as my story progressed, their expressions only grew with astonishment.

 The main point being that if we managed to reach and graduate from class A, that the primary contributors of the class would receive that surprise bonus money reward. 

Now who counts as primary contributor would be influenced by the decision of the class instructor as well as the leader of the class.

I believe the class had whole heartedly given on on striving for class A after Kiyotaka's transfer but Horikita-san seemed to have changed after his departure.

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