Episode 48: Master Plan - Poker

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Park Kang-woo trembled as he saw the red axe held by the hefty foreigner next to him, fearing that a mere twitch might result in his leg being severed, not the wooden crate.

“Dobbiamo festeggiare, allora (Well, then, we should celebrate).”

A man seated with crossed legs on the upper bunk declared.

He seemed to be the same man who had dragged Park Kang-woo here, and with a roll of his eyes, Park Kang-woo realized that he was not in a good position. With his limbs bound, he decided to drop to his knees.

Park Kang-woo had risen to the top position of the organization not through courage but through strategic moves and keen perception. Because his legs were tied, he naturally knelt, and as the floor shifted beneath him, he quickly slammed his head back to the ground.

The swaying motion continued, and Park Kang-woo noticed that he was in a cabin on a ship.

“Ah, interesting. Very perceptive. Let’s treat our guest.”

Upon Pierre Choi’s words, his henchmen untied Park Kang-woo’s body and seated him on a chair.

“Hey there, my old friend. I looked into it a bit. You were a small-time thug in Gyeonggi-do, right?”

Pierre Choi said in an exaggerated manner, using exaggerated body movements and expressions like a clown, acting as if he were in a play.

Park Kang-woo, who had a crazed look in his eyes, shrank back.

“Well, you need to answer, right?”

At Pierre’s words, Park Kang-woo rolled his eyes and then spat out the cotton stuffed in his mouth.

“P-please spare me.”

“You’re alive right now, aren’t you?”

Pierre Choi chuckled and stroked his chin.

A foreigner behind him approached Pierre Choi, knelt politely, and began speaking in a foreign language.

“Hey, Park Kang-woo.”

“Yes, yes.”

“People like me in positions like mine, do you know what’s most important? Money? It’s not that significant. I’m here to sweeten this boring life… with fun.”

This was not an act to deceive Park Kang-woo but Pierre Choi’s genuine feelings.

“I’ve been away from this place for a while because there are cute guys causing trouble with the sugar my Sicilian brothers supply”

As Park Kang-woo listens to the man, he is racking his brain to save his life.

‘If he is talking about Sicilian brothers, that mean he is talking about the Italian mafia, and if he is talking about sugar, that mean it’s about drugs.’

“I found an intriguing teaser before even watching the main event. That’s why I’m having so much fun now.”

Pierre Choi finished speaking and tapped the table twice.

Then, the middle-aged man who had been silent behind them walked over and sat between Pierre Choi and Park Kang-woo.

“We’re going to play a game now. If you win, you’ll oversee drug distribution in Korea. I like obedient dogs.”

To the unexpected words of the man, Park Kang-woo’s eyes widened.

“Th-that’s right, sir. What happens if I lose?”

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