Episode 61: The Star Beyond the River - Reading (1)

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Considering there was no predetermined password, it seemed that the call was not made under intimidation, and it wasn’t someone else making the call on behalf of another.

“Where are you, Hae-woon? Tell me your current location.”

[Incheon Metropolitan City… Bupyeong-gu…]

Han Hae-woon, with heavy breathing, provided the address from the other end of the receiver.

Yeon-woo immediately hung up the phone and left the house.

Heading down to the parking lot, he drove his car with swift determination.

After quite a while of driving, he arrived at the given address, a funeral home. The day had turned dark, with no mourners in sight. Han Hae-woon’s silver SUV was alone in the parking lot.

Carefully checking inside the car, there was no one. As Yeon-woo walks to the entrance to enter the funeral home. From the nearby bushes, faint sounds caught his attention.

Yeon-woo followed the sound and cautiously took a watchful stance.

After pushing through some bushes, he spotted Han Hae-woon slumped against a tree with a notebook in his hand.

Approaching swiftly, Yeon-woo checked his pulse. Then, he examined his body.

“The pulse is normal, and there are no signs of bleeding. It doesn’t seem like he was attacked.”

Since Han Hae-woon collapsed every time he regained his memory, could it be that he recovered some memories for some reason?

Yeon-woo took out the notebook that Han Hae-woon held tightly even in his unconscious state.

Despite opening it, the sentences were filled with codes that seemed incomprehensible, possibly written in a language only he could understand.

“But why is he collapse in a place like this?”

For now, Ryu Yeon-woo supported Han Hae-woon and carried him to the parking lot where his car was parked.

– Beep. –

Searching through Han Hae-woon’s pants pocket, he found the smart key, opened the backseat door, and laid him down.

As if slowly regaining consciousness, Han Hae-woon, in a state similar to a drunk person, tossed and turned.

Wondering whether to take him to the hospital, Yeon-woo sat in the front seat of Han Hae-woon’s car, anticipating that he might wake up soon. He shut down the black box after a few minutes passed.

And then, after some time, Han Hae-woon regained consciousness.


Han Hae-woon groaned, holding his head.

“Prosecutor Han, are you awake?”

“Ah, Team… No, Team leader Ryu.”

Deciding to address each other as Han Hae-woon and Ryu Yeon-woo that day in the underground of the National Arts Theater, just in case they might get caught somewhere, the titles remained unchanged even when addressing each other.

Yeon-woo couldn’t help but wonder if there was any significance in calling him Team leader Ryu.

“You contacted me just before collapsing. I came right away and laid you in the car.”

“Ah, thank you.”

After exchanging greetings, Han Hae-woon hastily felt his own body.

“If it’s a notebook, it’s right here.”

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