Episode 70: Baek Sol

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During the company dinner, Yeon-woo heard the news that the construction of the specialized set for filming the 12th episode of ‘The Star Beyond the River’ had been completed.

This drama consists of 17 episodes in total, including 16 main episodes and, if the ratings are good, an additional special episode, totaling 17 parts.

Currently, filming has been completed for the first half of episode 11 and part of the second half, including the desert racing ending that Yeon-woo filmed in advance.

So, a considerable portion of the remaining content to be filmed will be done at the Daejeon set.

“The director said he needs time to set up the shots even during this vacation. Since it’s in Daejeon, I want to go take a look.”

“Oh, are you going in two days then?”

“Nah, it’s not part of the filming schedule, and there’s no need for you to come. I’ll go alone.”

Min-soo laughed at Yeon-woo’s preemptive strike, understanding his intention, and replied that he would also take a good rest during his vacation.

Yeon-woo added after hearing that, nodding in agreement.

“Oh, by the way, when we start filming at the set, I’ll be commuting from home for a few days. Min-soo hyung, you can take a break during that time.”

“That won’t do. Not only for commuting, but also to take care of emergencies or other matters, I will definitely go and pick you up.”

Min-soo replied firmly, shaking at Yeon-woo’s words.

Ever since he first worked with Yeon-woo two years ago, he thought of him as someone with a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility.

“If you go down to your hometown tomorrow and watch the broadcast with your family, I’m looking forward to the reaction. Since the movie hasn’t been released yet, it’ll be the first time for your family to see the lead actor.”

Actually, Yeon-woo hadn’t thought much about it, but after hearing Min-soo’s story, he became curious.

When ‘Summer Promise’ aired, he was the supporting lead but had a relatively small role, and his younger sister So-hyeon was in puberty at the time, so she didn’t come out much at all.

“It does make me look forward to it when I think about it.”

While having a conversation, they arrived at the apartment and saying goodbye to Min-soo before heading up.

Even though he had plugged his smartphone into the charger and turned it on before taking a shower, Yeon-woo’s phone kept ringing even after he came out.

When he looked at the screen, there were dozens of missed calls and messages, mostly from acquaintances and broadcasting staff. Among them, there was an app with blinking numbers.

It was a message received through an information protection app that he only used when communicating with Han Hae-woon.

[Team leader Yeon-woo. I made contact with Baek No-ya.]

[I’ve found a clue about Baek Sol’s information.]

]There has been progress regarding the Plus Ten CEO, Byun Hak-gyu, as you mentioned before.]

[I’m heading to Seoul to report on the relevant content.]

[Please reply once you’ve checked the message.]

Since the first message was sent over four hours ago, considering that he left Busan at that time, it wouldn’t be long before he arrived in Seoul.

It seemed like he would have to postpone sleep for tonight.

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