Chapter 5 : Prelude

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Inko and Izuku are outside of their apartment as the police have cordened it off to gather evidence. A police officer is taking their statement.

"What did the intruder look like?"

"He had white short hair, red eyes and he was wearing a suit."

They're eyes widen and they spoke into their radio.

"Code nine-two-one nine-two-one. Miss Midoriya can you two please come down to the station. You are not being arrested."


'So that's how lie detector works.'

The Midoriyas get into the police car. On the way Izuku decides to check on his adaptations.

[Unlimited Quirk Storage adapted]

[Quirk Factor Mimicry adapted]

[Highly Resilient Cells adapted]

'I guess bodies don't change to accommodate foreign quirks.'


Izuku is in an interview room with a giant two-way mirror on the wall. In front of is sat a detective. With a note pad.

"Nice to meet you Midoriya, my name is Naomasa Tsukauchi. My quirk is lie detection. Can you please tell me what exactly happened last night?"


Izuku activeted quirk sight when he heard what his quirk was, his eyes shimmer slightly which the detective noticed but ignored. His quirk was navy blue and feel similar to the one he has though it was much better.

He looked over to the mirror and saw his own quirk. It looked like a golden silhouette with multi colored dots on his chest. Around his head were white orbs which were slowly orbiting, some were almost disappearing and a few were a few centimeters away from his head.

Behind the mirror he saw his mother, a smaller person, smaller than him, and a large muscular person whose quirk was most interesting. His quirk was like his own a golden silhouette though it seemed to be pushing against the skin of the person. They had 6 orbs flowing around his body. He looks back at the detective.

"I was sleeping when I appeared in a void floating. The intruder was standing a few feet away from me with floating orbs around him. Some of the orbs flew towards me and began orbiting around my body. As the man got closer he tried to place his hand on me, but emerging from it was a dark red and black orb. He tried to pull away but the orb resisted. He pulled until he ripped it apart and I fell unconscious"


The detective is silent for a moment processing the information.

"Did they do anything to you?

Izuku pauses before he answers and looks over to the mirror.

"The two people with my mom, can they be trusted?"


The detective was shocked by this.

"I trust them with my life"


"Could you call them in?"

The detective agrees and leaves to get them as Izuku watches through the walls following their quirks. After a minute the detective returns.

'All Might?'

Izuku was excited to finally meet All Might though he collects himself as he realised how serious this was with All Might here.

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