Chapter 46 : Task

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Izuku woke up to Rumi hugging him sleeping deeply. Her ears twitched as his breathing changed.

'Ah right. We're dating now. Oh my God, what is mom going to think?!'

He decided that future him would deal with the conversation as he softly caressed her silky white hair. Rumi hugged him tighter rubbing her face into his chest. Looking over to the clock on the wall it was 5 a.m. the time he usually woke up.

Slowly Rumi began to stir awake pushing herself off of him and sat on his lap as she rubbed her eyes as she stretched.

"Yawn~ I haven't slept that good in a while."

She looked down and was stunned at their position. She was straddling her boyfriend sitting on his lap.

"Morning Rumi."

Izuku sat up now face to face with her sitting on his lap with his hands around her waist as he kissed her. Pulling away, he was amused by the adorable blushing mess before him.

"Come on, let's get ready. We have a job to do and people to keep safe."

Rumi managed to calm down and the two of them went to get ready. Izuku wrapped to his dorm to give her some privacy and they agreed to meet back up at 9 a.m. Warping back Izuku cleaned himself up and went for a run. Getting back to his dorm he got a call from the HPSC president.

"Morning prez."

"Morning to you as well Midoriya. We have a task for you. You will be meeting the president and CEO of Detnerat Rikiya Yotsubashi."

"So what did he do to get on your radar?"

"Our agents have noticed a slight uptick in villain support gear. We have tried to retrieve them but they explode when the villain is knocked unconscious. Recently your classmates Todoroki and Bakugou had encountered a villain using these devices."


"Alright then, I'll do it. When is the meeting?"

"Our liaison has set the time to this afternoon at 2 p.m. and he is meeting you at their HQ in Deika city on their recommendation that you and he are like-minded."


"Which tells me you know what their alter ego is."

"Yes, we suspect him to be a part of the meta libaration army under the ideology that all quirks should be freely used even in public. I hope you understand how disastrous that would be."


"Oh course I do. Even if quirks are a part of you any quirk can do some amount of damage if used improperly."

"Good. Hopefully, you can get something concrete out of him. Goodbye"

"Bye Madam Prez."

The president hung up the phone. Izuku looked at the time and it was 6:47 a.m. so he looked into the Yotsubashi family. It began with someone called the mother of quirks. She was the one to coin the term quirk for the powers people gained. She had a son named Chikara Yotsubashi who was a quirk activist advocating for the abolishing of quirk restrictions laws. Many quirked people at the time had seen him as the voice of the minority and followed in his campaign.

Nowadays his protests are seen as acts of terrorism disguised in flowery and manipulative wording. This led to his manifesto titled Meta Liberation War which is restricted in Japan though a few copies seem to have cropped up here and there held by villains. This leads Izuku to Rikiya Yotsubashi who is the current owner of Detnerat a company providing lifestyle support for the public and now branching out into the Hero industry. Not much is known about him but he seems to have a squeaky clean record for a businessman.

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