Chapter 49 : Preparation

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Warping back inside Miruko's apartment it was empty so he activated quirk sight and looked around. Finding her in the city chasing down something fast he warped above to get a good look at the situation.

Miruko was chasing down a car speeding down the road. The car was taking sharp turns to try and avoid Miruko who was jumping across buildings to catch them. Miruko looked like she was getting frustrated as every time she got close they would swerve away. Invincible decides to stay out of it pulling civilians into safety using energy construct.

Eventually, the speeders hit a corner too hard and flipped the car now hurtling into a storefront. Civilians screamed and closed their eyes awaiting the inevitable. Not hearing the resulting crash they open their eyes to see the car floating mid-air upside down with the speeders lying awkwardly on the roof of the car. The car slowly rotated and was gently placed on the ground. The speeders slowly got out of the car and fell to their knees breathing heavily. Miruko landed near them and picked them up by their collar. Invincible then floated down.

"Looks like you were busy."

"I had it handled. How'd the meeting go?"

"It went fine. So what are you two in for?"

The speeder answered unconsciously.

"Bank robbery."

He quickly tried to cover his mouth but it was in vain.

"Very cliché. Let's get them to the police. Where is the bank?"

"A few blocks back. They'll have people get the cash."

Miruko then told him where the bank was so he warped the car to their entrance. After that, they dropped off the villains at the station and Miruko had to stay and make the report. In the meantime, Invincible decided to go shopping and restock Miruko's fridge. By the time he was done, Miruko was waiting at the station.

"Hey did you wait long?"

"No not at all. Let's go home."

Opening a warp gate they return home. After getting changed Rumi walked out to see Izuku on the couch reading a book. Reading the title it was the Meta Liberation War. People are usually put on a watchlist by the HPSC if they are found with it. Rumi sat down on the couch next to Izuku.

"Where did you get that?"

"From the CEO of Detnerat. We "bonded" from our time talking and he gave me this book."

"What kind of idiot gives a hero proof of their villainy?"

"An idiot that has done it before."


"Okay, that's enough hero talk. Let's see if they have a sequel to that hitman film."


The next day Invincible appeared once again in Madam President's office through a warp gate.

"Morning prez."

"Morning Invincible. Were you able to get anything from Yotsubashi?"

"Oh, just a little."

Invincible threw the manifesto on her desk and her computer received a recording. It seemed that was the only proof she needed as she looked quite satisfied.

"Good work Invincible. We will be in contact if we require your expertise."

Invincible nodded and left without a word into a warp gate.


The next few weeks go by without much happening. Izuku had continued on the trail of the loan shark he had gotten from Agatsugi. He was quite a connected man having his hand in many operations in the underworld. Izuku was currently hunting down an informant and broker by the alias of Giran. He had spoken to Shimura to see if they had contact with him and as it turned out pretty much everyone that joined him was scouted this man Bubaigarawa was pretty close to him. They had his phone number but said that it was more than likely deactivated after the fall of All of One and their disappearance.

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