Chapter 58 : Confrontations

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Izuku and Rumi appear back in Rumi's apartment landing on the couch. Sitting there with a shocked expression on their faces for a few seconds. Izuku was the first to regain his bearings and turned on the TV.

"-ust a moment ago was Invincible on the main building of the HPSC being embraced by the number 5 heroine Miruko. The reporters and crowd on the scene stated that they referred to each other using pet names-"

Rumi seemed to get out of the head as she heard the broadcast. The two stared blankly at the TV as the news spread. There was a sudden knock on the door which brought them out of their reprieve. Izuku looking with quirk sight knew exactly who it was as the door. The lock on the door clicked as each pin was moved into place and unlocked allowing the person in.

"H-hi mom."

Inko Midoriya stood at the doorway with an unsettling smile looking at the woman her son had decided to date and spend the rest of his life with. In her opinion, she may be just using her baby boy. Inko pulled Rumi by the collar of her leotard using her quirk and took her outside. With a slam of the door leaving Izuku alone listening to the news which had moved onto the ethicality of the relationship due to the age gap.

After a minute Inko peeked her head back in.

"Izuku could you leave for a moment? We want to speak inside."

"Uh... okay. Call me if you need me back here."

"I will."

With an uncertain look on his face, Izuku warped into his dorm room in UA leaving Rumi to face the scrutiny of the matriarch. Landing on his couch Izuku decides to go upstairs to see what everyone else thinks. The elevator opens to most of the class looking at him waiting for an answer. Mina was in front with a teasing look.

"So Midori, is it true?"

"...Yes, I am in a relationship."

A scream could be heard from the living room that was getting louder as a purple blur slammed into Midoriya. Mineta now awake with a bump on the back of his head was holding Midoriya by his collar with his feet on his chest to hold himself up.

"You handsome son of a bitch! Why do you get all the attention!? YoGuek-"

Tsuyu's tongue rose from the back of the group wrapped around his neck and pulled him off of Midoriya. Mineta was struggling in the air being held up by the appendage.

The next few minutes were spent explaining how it got to be that he was dating someone a decade his elder with the main questioner being the girls. With their curiosity mostly satiated the class returned to the couch followed by Midoriya. Sitting down the girls sat weirdly close to Midoriya to the belligerent despair of Mineta. Mina sat next to Midoriya's right side leaned toward him supporting her upper body using her hands on the couch. Her face is now very close to Midoriya.

"So how far did you get with her? You've been staying at her place for a while now."

"It isn't my place to say-"

"You've been in her room?"

"No. Look we haven't done anything worth gossiping about except getting together. Also, why are you all so interested now that I'm in a relationship?"

Mina and the rest of the class that was paying close attention realised that they looked like creeps trying to dig for information about somebody else's life. Mina backed away with a slight purple blush as she felt how close she was to him. Momo answered him.

"W-we're just curious is all. You didn't exude availability even before you met Miruko."

"I can't exactly blame you all for that. I wasn't looking to get into a relationship it just kinda happened."

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