Chapter 38 : Contract

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The next day Izuku was called into Nezu's office in the morning. When he walked into the room there was an older woman with blonde hair in a business suit.

"Ah good morning Midoriya, it is good you are able to come here this morning. This is the Madam President from the HPSC."


The woman reaches her hand out which was shaken by Midoriya.

"Nice to meet you, Ma'am I assume this is about the contract your organization has given me."

"Yes, it is Midoriya. Both me and the president have hashed out the details and I believe you will like the terms."

The renegotiated terms were indeed a lot better as the commission had a lot less control over his actions. The tasks he had to do for them now excluded murder, sexual manipulation, quirk experimentation, and involvement with children. They could not have surveillance on him at all times rather they will be conducting monthly audits to keep tabs on his activities. The audits will last for 5 years after which they will be conducted annually for the rest of his hero career. With these terms, the benefits for Midoriya had to be compromised. He still was to be given a hero licence but he will not receive the salary of All Might. He was still allowed to enter Tartarus which was scheduled in a few days. Midoriya whispered the terms as if he were reading them but used fact or fiction to confirm their validity. Thankfully it all came up as fact.

Having read through the contract a few times he is told where to sign it. Madam President cordially took the signed contract and gave Midoriya his new licence.

"It is great to have you on board Invincible."

An unsatisfied aura was around her as she left. Midoriya and Nezu were now alone in the office.

"So how many strings did you need to pull to make her so pissed off."

"More than you know Midoriya. Your work Studies are coming up. Did you have anyone in mind to work under?"

"I was thinking of asking you. There has been a rise in the amount of trigger on the streets and I want to help remove some of their suppliers. If they're not accepting I'll just go with Miruko. She would be more than happy to have her training partner back."

Nezu sits and ponders for a moment.

"Sir Nighteye has been cracking down on a yakuza group called the Shie Hassaikai who have been distributing trigger into the black market."

"That would be great. Do I need to call him or?"

"Who do you think I am? I'll handle everything."


A few days pass and Midoriya was being escorted by a HPSC agent to the infamous Tartarus. They were currently driving on a suspension bridge toward a metal structure in the ocean. Getting near the entrance the car stopped and the agent spoke to the guard. After the guards check the car thoroughly they let the vehicle through. After a few minutes, they arrive at the outskirts of the entrance to the underground prison. Parking the car Midoriya is led through the prison after being searched.

Walking into a visitation room a prisoner is brought out blindfolded and deafened wearing a straightjacket while strapped to a chair.

"Approach the convict."

Midoriya walked toward him and grabbed onto his exposed neck.

[Despot taken]

[Thread Creation adapted]

Midoriya releases his hold and the prisoner is quickly wheeled away.

This routine continued for the next hour. Each prisoner took a few minutes to arrive and either had a quirk which if released would harm a lot of people or were actively detrimental to their quality of life or surroundings.

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