Chapter 41 : School Festival

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In the next half hour, the entire yakuza group was arrested on mass by the police gathered by Nighteye. Midoriya was sitting in Overhaul's office when Nighteye bursts in. He looked at Midoriya sitting in a leather chair with a white-haired little girl hugging him asleep while reading the research papers Overhaul had given him. Speaking of Overhaul he was standing by the side of the chair like a butler. Overhaul had taken off his mask and gloves and he was slightly shaking while standing by but his face did not show his discomfort. To the side of the room was a pile of unconscious bodies still tied up.

"Invincible, can you tell me why I'm seeing... any of this?"

"I needed to kill time until you got here so what else was I supposed to do."

"You could have helped us with the rest of the yakuza upstairs and why is Overhaul shivering while serving you like a butler?"

"You could have handled it and I got a gift from the higher-ups."

"sigh just... get these villains upstairs."

"Alright, it's been fun having you as my butler. Disple."

Overhaul immediately dropped to the ground and started to look around for something. Not finding it he started to freak out.

"n-not clean!"

He started to claw into his face where Midoriya touched him so Midoriya stopped him immediately by reestablishing control. Overhaul calms down and pulls a handkerchief out to wipe his face.

"I apologise for having you see that my king."

"No worries."

Midoriya touches Overhaul and uses his quirk to heal his face causing him to squirm slightly. Nighteye looked at the scene with an incredulous expression.

"... We're leaving."


Appearing outside using a warp gate carrying Eri in his arms there was a large perimeter of police and emergency vehicles on standby. Nighteye came through the gate and called some police to escort the tied-up villains. An EMT ran up to Midoriya to check on the girl in his arms. Looking her over they wanted to check under the bandages so they told Midoriya to wake her up. Midoriya gently stirred her awake. Eri opened her eyes and was startled by the change of scenery. Her new wings burst out from her back and wrapped themselves around both her and Midoriya.

"Eri it's okay their here to help.

Eri slowly retracted the wing looking at the people around her wearily.

"They'll need to check under the bandages, is that okay?"

Eri looked scared.

"Just don't leave okay?"

"I'll be just by your side."

The EMT slowly and gently removed the bandages. Her arms and legs were covered in old scars older than her. They looked almost fake like someone just painted them on. Eri flinched when the emt got closer to check on the scars.

" Hey Eri, it's okay. Do you want to sleep until their done checking?"

She nods.


She closes her eyes and falls asleep. The EMT continued the checkup and determined that she was malnourished and lacked nutrients that she would normally get if she was outside regularly. They recommended that Midoriya go with the girl to the hospital for further testing.

Midoriya left the scene noticing the people who had their phones up recording. The next day the whole incident was broadcasted on the news. "Hero Trainee Invincible Takes down Yakuza Group" was an attractive headline for many. Nighteye publicised the report for the incident which stated that Invincible while disguised encountered the leader of the yakuza group and discovered that they were using the biological material of a little girl to create quirk-destroying drugs along with the antidote to build a monopoly rise to power with the ultimate goal of the complete eradication of quirks. The entire yakuza group was taken into custody mostly peacefully as the elites were preoccupied by Invincible.

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