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"The Rise of the New Heirs"

I sat in my room, eagerly awaiting Ades to escort me to Lira's room, as today marked her birthday. Delicately cradling the red pearl bracelet in my hands, as my gift for my cousin, I had instructed the Damas to brought it for me, as I wasn't permitted to venture beyond the palace walls.

If you were to inquire about my identity, I am merely another fairy in the realm of Encantadia. I hold the title of Diwani (princess) here in Lireo and I'm the adea (child) of Sang'gre Pirena. Many have remarked that our relationship lacks the typical mother-daughter bond, as Ada (mom) has a propensity for quick anger—an attribute I did not inherit. Growing up within the palace, I often overheard tales of my mother's past transgressions.

However, I chose to disregard them, for even though I was reluctant to admit it, it was undeniable that my mother had made mistakes and committed sins of her own. Ashti Amihan and Ashti Alena had chosen to forgive Ina (mom) for my sake, knowing that they didn't want me to grow up without a mother.

Ashti Danaya, on the other hand, concealed her resentment toward my mother, opting instead to treat me with kindness. She didn't view me as an adversary; rather, she extended love and warmth toward me.

In reality, the three of them had become more like mothers to me than my own, who always seemed to prioritize Lira. Though I occasionally felt a twinge of jealousy, my affection for Lira far outweighed it, as I regarded her as my apwe (sibling).

" Avisala(Greetings), Diwani Zonia. Come, let's make our way to Diwani Lira" Ades greeted me warmly as she and the other Damas entered my room. " Avisala, Ades. Could you take my gift for Lira so she won't suspect our surprise?" I asked politely, to which she nodded in agreement, taking the golden box containing the pearl bracelet, and we set off for Lira's room.

" Good morning, dear Diwani."

" Good morning, Lira." Ades and I greeted Lira enthusiastically upon entering her room.

"Good morning, Ades and Zonia." She replied somberly. Despite Lira's demeanor, Ades and I continued to smile. " Do you two have something to tell me?" She asked softly as I sat beside her on the bed.

" Nothing important, why?" Ades responded, and I simply shook my head, indicating that there was indeed nothing to disclose. Lira glanced around the room, puzzled. " Are you waiting for someone, Lira?" I inquired, but she shook her head and sighed sadly.

" Hasne Ivo Live (Happy Birthday), Lira!" We all exclaimed as the Sang'gres appeared in the room. I couldn't help but laugh and smile as our plan unfolded successfully.

After everyone greeted Lira and presented their gifts—such as Ashti Alena, Danaya, and Amihan giving her a golden box filled with various diamonds, and Ashti Amihan creating colorful firecrackers in the room—Mother offered her many of gifts. Finally, it was my turn.

" Lira, this is my gift for you." I said happily, presenting the bracelet to her and showing it to everyone. " This one is yours, and this one is mine. It's a symbol of our friendship, my dear cousin." I declared, displaying the pearl bracelet adorned with the green diamond that matched the one on my wrist. Then, after the gifts, Lira was blessed by the Sang'gres to Emre, granting her the ability to disappear and reappear, or be called Ivictus, like me who could do it three days ago.

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