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"The missing Sang'gre and Sang'gre Danaya's wrath"

" Gurna, have you seen my Ada? I've search every corner of the palace, yet I still couldn't find her." As I approached her Dama in the hallway, I intended to enjoy some quality time with my mother in garden. However, upon reaching her chambers this morning, she was nowhere to be found. " Your Ada (Mother) embarked on a mission today, per the Queen's order. That's why she's not around here in Lireo." The Dama disclosed.

" She embarked on a mission without bidding me goodbye?" I arched a skeptical brow to her response, as my mother always informs me of her whereabouts, knowing my tendency to overthink.

" Your Mother was pressed for time, hence the lack of farewells. But rest assured, Diwani Zonia, she's expected to come back tonight." The Dama reassured before departing, seemingly preoccupied.

Despite the explanation, doubt lingered in my heart, unsettled by my Mother's uncharacteristic departure and the peculiar actions of her Dama upon their return to Lireo.

As night fall, Gurna's statement proved accurate as my Mother returned to Lireo by dusk, having completed her mission.

Simultaneously, the Queen Mother summoned a gathering in the throne room. All of us were fully engrossed in listening to Ashti's words, except for my cousin, who seemed visibly disinterested in the proceedings.

Ashti Amihan distributed a paper with a sketch of a human-world tool to each member of the council. Later on, confusion arose when my mother accidentally responded my cousin calling to her actual mother, "Ashti Amihan" prompting for us to exchange puzzled glances.

" I thought my Adea was calling me, but it turned out to be Lira. Amihan, your daughter wants to tell you something." Mother apologized to everyone, as Lira stepped forward to inquire about her purpose to the council.

Lira suggested to the Queen that they should be the ones investigating the tool in the Human world, but Aquil opposed, citing the danger for fairies being there. When the Queen didn't agree with Lira's suggestion, she rolled her eyes, returning to her seat beside me, clearly disheartened.

" Dear Queen, may I see what you've drawn?" I interjected during the meeting to divert attention away from Lira, anticipating potential comparisons between us. As the Queen handed me the paper depicting the human-world tool, I approached her. " This tool is remarkable, Dear Queen, but how can it aid in the search for Ashti Alena?" I inquired, holding the paper.

" Good question, Zonia. All I know is that it was used by the person I encountered, and it seems they were communicating with someone on the other side." the Queen Mother replied, clutching the paper.

" Though venturing into the human world poses risks, my cousin raises a valid point. That we should consider exploring it further to understand how and why people use this tool." I presented my cousin's suggestion to the council.

" In my understanding, Queen Mother, this tool facilitates communication with individuals beyond the palace. If we adopt it, we can easily address distant communication needs and potentially discover other useful tools from the human world." I elaborated in the center of the room. Lira visibly brightened at my support for her idea.

" You make a valid point, Diwani. Isn't she right, Dear Queen?" Nunong Imaw concurred, eliciting delight from both Lira and myself. " Indeed, Nunong Imaw." Ashti Amihan affirmed, leaving Lira and me thrilled.

SANG'GRE OF GLEAMING LIGHTTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon