Vic Fuentes

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Hey guys sorry if this is a bit long i kind of got carried away and this is my first one shot i have written so bare with me. It also 1:30am where i live and i need to get up in like 5 hours.


You nervously wait around for your boyfriend to get back from his 2 month tour with his band Pierce The Veil. You have been together with with Vic Fuentes for 2 years and 2 weeks before he left for tour you guys did "the deed" and now you are two months pregnant and when Vic gets home you're going to tell him but you are terrified because Vic doesn't want a child yet.

"Y/N I'm home!" you hear from you front door. Your anxiety rises at the sound of his voice

"I'm in the the lounge" you yell back in a shaky voice. You hear Vic dumb his bags by the door run into the lounge.

As soon as he sees you he runs up and gives you a hug, he pulls back after a minute and notices you worried expression.

"Y/N what's wrong why do you looked so worried and stressed?" Vic said with worry laced in his voice

"I-i need to tell you s-something V-ic and you're not g-gonna be too happy about it..." you stutter your anxiety rising by the second.

"W-whats wrong Y/N? W-why won't i be happy about it?! You're starting to scare me"

"I-i'm, well u-um the week b-before you went on t-tour you k-kinda u-um kn-knocked m-me-e up...." You said with tears in your eyes threatening to spill.

Vics face went from worried to confusion and then finally anger.

"WHAT?! HOW?! YOU STUPID B!TCH!! I BET ITS NOT EVEN MINE YOU DISGUSTING CHEATING PIECE OF SH!T!!" You flinched at Vics words, Vic had never been this mad or even raised his voice at you before and it terrified you.


The tears that were once in your eyes are now flowing freely and there was no stopping them.

You ran to your bedroom that you and Vic use to share and got all you belongings and shoved them in boxes and bags. You rung up the first person you could think of which was your best friend and pretty much brother Kellin Quinn.

After about the first two rings he picked up "Hello?" kellin spoke.

"H-hey K-kellin it's me w-would it be okay if I-i stayed at your place for a while?" you asked Kellin through your sobs

" Y/N why are you crying?! What happened?! are you okay?!" Kellin said in a worried panicked voice

"I-i'll Tell you l-later, I-i just need to get out o-of the house"

" Of course you can stay over and for as long as you need to. I'll get Katelynne to drop me off so we can get your car too and you are not driving in the state you are in. So just out your stuff in you car and wait for me okay?"

"Yeah, okay, thank you Kellin this means so much to me"

"Hey its no problem you're like my little sister i never had, i'd do anything for you" Kellin said in a sincere tone.

About 15 minutes later (A/N just imagine kellin doesn't live that far away) you saw Kellin and Katelynne turn up with little Cope in the back and Kellin jumped out of the car and ran straight to you and gave you a big hug then you both got in you car and drove off to kellins house.

When you got back to Kellins house you told him everything and by the end of it Kellin was fuming.

"Im gonna go over there and teach that fucker a thing or two" Kellin said furry clear in his voice.

"Kellin please don't you'll only make it worse"

"Okay fine, only cause you said so..."

*7 months later*

It was 7 months later and you and Vic haven't talked since.

You found out that you were having twins and one was a boy and the other was a girl. You were so ecstatic. You still lived with Kellin and Katelynne and they were helping you all the way. It is your due date tomorrow and you are very nervous but excited to meet you little children you nicknamed peanut and squirt (With the help of kellin)

All the other PTV boys knew about the babies and they were very excited to be uncles.

Later that night you, Kellin, and katelynne where watching a movie when all of a sudden you felt this sudden stabbing pain in you stomach then followed by a massive amount of water.

"Guys my water just broke we need to get to the hospital quick!" you said all panicked

Katelynne ran up to get your hospital bag and Copeland while Kellin helped you get in the car.

A few minutes later you were at the hospital lying in a hospital bed crying in pain. You told kellin to text Mike that you were in labour and what hospital you were at.

After a couple of agonising minute all the boys from PTV came running into the room. Well all except Vic... Of course...

A few minutes later the door swang open again to reveal someone you never expected to come... Vic...

As soon as he saw you he ran up to you and held you tight minding your swollen stomach.

"Y/N i'm so so so so sorry i was such a dick for doing that to you. I hope you can forgive and give me a second chance i swear i will be the best dad ever" Vic apologised with such sadness and sincerity in his eye and voice.

"I forgive you Vi- ahhah FUCK!" i screamed in pain as another contraction came along.

Two hours later (11:45pm) and finally you baby boy was born.

"Do you want to cut the cord" the doctor asked Vic

"A-ah yeah sure" Vic answered nervously

Then about 20 minutes later your baby girl was born (12:05am) and once again vic cut the cord.

After the doctors weighed and measure the twin everyone in the room left to give us alone time so it just me, vic and the twins

"Hey Y/N i want you to name the twins since i wasn't there for the pregnancy" you and vic had never talked about childrens names on the simple fact that he didn't want kids for a long time.

"Umm what about Nova Vincent Fuentes and Blade Anne Fuentes?" you reply after about 5 minutes of thinking.

"That sounds perfect Y/n" Vic said and he kissed your nose.

A few minutes later we got everyone in to meet the twins. Once everyone got a hold we got everyone's attention "Hey guys while me and Vic were alone we decided on the names and who the godparents would be."you said

"Our baby boys name is Nova Vincent Fuentes and our baby girls name is Blade Anne Fuentes" Vic announced

"We are also letting Kellin and Katelynne be both of their godparents because of everything you have done for me and the twins during the past 7 months" You finished off saying

Kellin and Katelyn's faces lit up at that announcement and thank you and Vic a billion times.

" I also have another thing so say" Vic annonces

"Y/N even though I have been the worse boyfriend the past 7 months i love you with all my heart. My love for you is bulletproof and there's never a second in my life when you're not on my mind" Vic starts

Vic then get down on one knee and pulls a ring out of his pocket and says with hopeful eyes "Y/N will you marry me?"

You sit there in shock not believing what had just happened. You've gone speechless so you just nod your head frantically managing to get out a small 'yes'.

Vic slips the ring onto your finger and gives you the most passionate kisses you have shared together.

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