Kellin Quinn

625 19 4

This is for amyracer / cluelessmgc .

sorry this took forever to post i just didn't know how to write this.


"Mummy, when is daddy coming back from the studio? he said he'd be back to tuck me into bed when he got back but he didn't. Its been 2 months... Doesn't he love us anymore?" Your 5 year old daughter said sadly.

"He'll come home so-"

"NO!! You always say that when I ask you! I want the truth!!" your daughter cuts you off angrily.

Even though she is 5 she's really intelligent, there wasn't any point lying anymore she had to know sooner or later. It was now or never...

"Blade... Your Daddy.. He... Um... Hes not coming back..." You said rubbing your ginormous baby bump that held yours and Kellin's baby boy that you where expecting any day now.

"Why Mum?!" you daughter said tears threatening to spill from her precious Greeny, brown eyes.


You and your daughter where sitting down on the couch watching TV while waiting for Kellin to come home from the studio. The show was just about to come back from ad breaks when a breaking news pop up thing came up.

You quickly read the slogan thing before the reporter could talk you where shocked and beyond upset. You quickly told your daughter to go upstairs to get ready for bed.

"Kellin Quinn Bostwick, lead singer of an American rock band Sleeping With Sirens died in a car crash with band members Justin and Jack seriously injured. Mr. Bostwick was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics responding to the vehicle accident. Alcohol and drugs do not appear to have been a factor in this accident.

Highway Safety Investigators have told reporters that Kellin Quinn lost control while driving his vehicle and fell out of the cars windshield then the vehicle landed on his body, killing him instantly.

The vehicle was believed to have been traveling at approximately 95 miles per hour in a 55mph zone at the time of the accident.

Witnesses have stated that Kellin Quinn's car crossed the double lines several times prior to the accident and hit the center lane divider causing the vehicle to flip and roll.

Toxicology tests will be performed to determine whether he was driving under the influence, however initial findings indicate that drugs or alcohol did not contribute in any way to this accident as it was more likely to been caused by road conditions.

Memorial services for Kellin Quinn have not yet been announced. The service is expected to be a closed casket funeral due to the severe head and body trauma.

Band members Justin and Jack have been sent to hospital and are in intensive care"

By the time this had finished you where bawling your eyes out. You ran up stairs to check on you daughter to find that she had already gone to bed. You then ran to your room getting your phone off charge to see that you had many missed calls and messages from the other band members and yours and Kellin's family.

You called your mum to see if she could look after Blade while you go to the hospital.

when you got to the hospital you saw Kellin's family, Justin and Jacks family, and the other band members. You ran up to them and talked and cried with them.

*End of flashback*

By the end of telling your daughter you and her where both in tears. Blade kissed your cheek and your baby bump.

All of a sudden you felt something wet.

"EW mummy you just peed!!" Blade yelled jumping off the couch

"Um blade hunny that's not pee, can you go get mummy's phone and call Nan down stairs and tell her to bring the hospital bag please?"

"Okay mummy" she replied

After about 2 minutes you mum came down with your daughter and hospital bag and you where all out the door going to the hospital.

*at the hospital*

You had called you Justin who was now healed and healthy to take Blade somewhere so she wont have to suffer being here when you where giving birth to the new baby.

About two hours later you had given birth to a beautiful baby boy that already looked like a spitting image of Kellin.

In memorial of your husband you named him Kellin...


Sorry if that was bad but i tried.

Vote on this if you enjoyed it or cried cause to be honest i nearly cried writing this.

Dont forget to request one shot if you want one.

Taylah XP

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