Jacky Vincent- The Interview

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You had just finished your shift at the radio station you worked at for 2 years and was about to go home when you boss walked over to you and said "Y/n you have an interview next week with a never of falling in reverse" Your eyes light up because Falling in Reverse was your favourite band of all time, you couldn't wait for next week.

*one week later*

Today was the day you finally got to interview one of the band members of falling in reverse. Your boss didn't tell you which band member it was so it would be a surprise until you it was time for the interview but your were hoping it was Jacky Vincent since he was your celebrity crush.

*interview time*

You were waiting in the interview room for one of the members to arrive.
A few minutes later you heard the door open so you looked up to see that the band member that you were interviewing was the Jacky Vincent.

You greeted each other and got to know each other briefly while the technicians set everything up. When everything was ready you started the interview.

*after the interview*

The interview had come to an end and you where saying goodbye to Jacky off camera when he asked you a question you where surprised to hear

"Hey um Y/N would you like to go out sometime as in like a date?" Jacky said in his shy voice biting the neck of jumper out of nervousness like he does.

You where shocked when he asked you out so you tried to act cool and calm when you said yes but you miserably failed. You sounded like a mouse squeaking.

You heard him giggle/chuckle at you reaction which made you go a deep shade of red.

Once you said your goodbyes you both went home excited about the date.
*end of date*

It was nearing the end of the date when Jacky asked you something
"Y/N I know we haven't known each other for that long but I really like you so would you like to be my girlfriend?"

You where so surprised and managed to stutter out a yes.

After that you both went home happy as ever.
5 years later down the road and you and Jacky have been happily married for 3 years and you gave birth to a healthy little boy that you guys named Colton Jackson Vincent who is know 2 and a half years old. You are also 6 months pregnant with a healthy girl.

Sorry this is horrible it was something that I quickly wrote and yeah.

Hope you enjoyed this one shot vote, comment whatever you want to do and yeah byeeee.

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