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Chapter 5: Tara's Army

Author's POV

Waking from a medicated slumber, Tara found herself in the hospital bed, her husband Chandran's strong hand holding hers. The room was filled with the soft hum of machines, and the gentle morning light seeped through the curtains.

As she stirred, the memories of the New Year's attack flooded back. The pain, the fear, and Chandran's unwavering presence. She turned to find him missing, his absence echoing a strange emptiness in the room.

Pushing herself up, Tara glanced around the room, expecting to see him. The realization that he wasn't there struck her with a pang of anxiety. She called out his name, but the room remained silent, the only response being the rhythmic beeping of the medical equipment.

Worry etched her face as she wondered where he could be. She swung her legs over the side of the bed, wincing at the lingering soreness. As she stood up, a nurse entered, her expression a mix of concern and professionalism.

"Where's my husband?" Tara inquired, her voice betraying a sense of urgency.

"He stepped out for a moment. He'll be back soon"

The nurse reassured her, but her words didn't fully dispel the unease settling within Tara.

She nodded, trying to trust the words, but an unshakable feeling of foreboding lingered. Tara walked to the window, gazing out at the world beyond the hospital. Questions filled her mind - about the attack, about Golden Blood, and about what Chandran might be hiding to protect her.

The door creaked open, and her heart leaped with the hope of seeing him. However, it was Nakul, Chandran's trusted colleague, who entered. His expression held a mixture of relief and concern.

"Where's Chandran ji?" Tara asked, her eyes searching for answers in Nakul's face.

"He's working on something important. Something related to the attack and Golden Blood. He wanted to ensure your safety first," Nakul explained, his words stirring a complex blend of emotions within Tara.

She sat back on the hospital bed, grappling with the realization that Chandran was entangled in a web of mysteries beyond their understanding. The sense of being protected yet kept in the dark created a disconcerting tension.

As Tara waited for Chandran's return, the room seemed to close in on her, the uncertainty pressing against her chest. She couldn't shake the feeling that their lives had taken an unexpected turn, and the questions lingering in the air were only the beginning of a much larger mystery.

The minutes ticked away, each one intensifying the solitude in the room. Tara clung to the hope that Chandran would return soon, his presence unraveling the enigma surrounding them.

In the quiet hospital room, she braced herself for the unknown, a silent plea echoing in her heart - for Chandran to come back, for answers to surface, and for the shadows of uncertainty to dissipate in the light of truth.

In the hospital's bustling corridors, a nurse hurriedly approached the doctor's office. She informed him in hushed tones that Tara had regained consciousness. The doctor, engrossed in his work, nodded absentmindedly, unaware of the unfolding events surrounding the patient.

Meanwhile, in a dimly lit room, the doctor speed-dialed a mysterious contact. The person on the other end remained unseen, their identity shrouded in secrecy.

"Doc, what's the update?" the voice on the call demanded, urgency cutting through the air.

"Tara has gained consciousness. However, her husband is currently away. Only one guard is stationed with her."

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