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Chapter 9:-  Sitara Is Pregnant?

Author's POV

In the hidden depths of his secret base, the mastermind lurked in the shadows, his piercing gaze fixed on the surveillance screens before him. With meticulous precision, his lackeys reported the daily activities of Chandran and Tara, their every move scrutinized and analyzed for any vulnerabilities to exploit.

Despite being suspended from duty, Chandran remained a formidable force to reckon with, his network of allies within the police force clandestinely aiding his cause. The mastermind frowned at this revelation, his plans thwarted at every turn by Chandran's unwavering determination to protect his beloved Tara.

The lackeys continued their report, detailing how Chandran never left Tara alone for a moment. Even when he did, he took precautions to ensure her safety, locking the doors from the outside so that only Tara from within or Chandran himself could open them.

It was a testament to Chandran's unwavering dedication to Tara's well-being, a fact that irked the mastermind to no end.

As the mastermind listened to the meticulous surveillance reports, a sense of frustration and anger simmered beneath his calm exterior. Chandran's vigilance posed a significant obstacle to his plans, forcing him to reconsider his strategies and approach.

With a clenched fist, the mastermind vowed to redouble his efforts, determined to find a way to exploit Chandran and Tara's vulnerabilities.

They may have eluded him thus far, but he knew that patience and persistence would eventually lead to their downfall.

As the mastermind delved deeper into his surveillance, his mind churned with schemes and strategies to break through Chandran's defenses. He knew that to defeat his adversaries, he needed to exploit their weaknesses and manipulate their emotions.

Turning to his most trusted lackeys, the mastermind issued a series of commands, each one designed to sow discord and doubt within Chandran and Tara's relationship.

He knew that by exploiting their love for each other, he could weaken their resolve and pave the way for his ultimate victory.

Meanwhile, in the sanctuary of their home, Chandran and Tara remained blissfully unaware of the looming threat that lurked in the shadows. Their love blossomed with each passing day, a beacon of light in the darkness that surrounded them.

Chandran's devotion to Tara knew no bounds, his every action guided by a fierce determination to keep her safe. He showered her with affection and tenderness, his presence a source of comfort and strength in the face of adversity.

Tara, in turn, reveled in Chandran's love, finding solace in his embrace and courage in his unwavering support. Together, they faced each day with renewed hope and resilience, their bond growing stronger with each shared moment.

But unbeknownst to them, the mastermind's machinations were already in motion, threatening to unravel the very fabric of their love. As the days passed and tensions mounted, Chandran and Tara found themselves drawn into a web of deceit and manipulation, their trust tested in ways they never thought possible.

Yet amidst the chaos and uncertainty, their love remained steadfast, a beacon of hope in the darkness. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in their determination to overcome the obstacles that stood in their way.

But little did they know, the mastermind's sinister plan was about to unfold, threatening to tear them apart and plunge them into a world of darkness from which there may be no escape.

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