Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:- Chandran's Wrong Judgement

Author's POV

The soft light of dawn filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over the room as Tara descended the stairs. Her footsteps echoed in the quiet of the morning as she made her way to the living room, a sense of anticipation building within her.

As she entered the room, her eyes fell upon Chandran, seated on the sofa with his laptop open before him. The table was strewn with notebooks, chits of paper, and empty coffee mugs, evidence of a sleepless night spent in pursuit of answers.

Without a word, Tara approached him, her heart swelling with love and concern. She moved quietly, not wanting to disturb him, and then she wrapped her arms around him from behind, embracing him in a warm hug.

Chandran started slightly at her touch, his tired eyes flickering with surprise and then softening as he leaned back into her embrace. "Tara," he murmured, his voice hoarse with exhaustion, "you're awake."

Tara's fingers gently ruffled his hair as she pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "Of course, I am," she replied softly, her tone filled with tenderness. "But why aren't you asleep? You look exhausted."

Chandran sighed, his shoulders sagging with weariness. "I couldn't sleep," he admitted, his voice tinged with frustration.

"There's so much to uncover, and I couldn't rest until I had some answers."

Tara's expression softened as she tightened her embrace, her heart aching for him. "Chandran," she whispered, her voice filled with concern,

"your well-being is just as important as finding the truth. You can't keep pushing yourself like this."

Her words were like a soothing balm to Chandran's tired soul, and he leaned into her touch, finding solace in her presence. "I know, Tara," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

"But I can't help it. I need to find out what's going on."

Tara pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, her love for him shining in her eyes. "I understand," she said softly, "but promise me you'll take care of yourself. You belong to me, and I can't bear to see you like this."

Chandran nodded, a flicker of determination in his eyes as he gazed at her. "I promise," he replied, his voice filled with conviction. "I'll take care of myself, for you."

With that, they sat together in the quiet of the morning, finding comfort and strength in each other's embrace. In that moment, they were united in their resolve to face whatever challenges lay ahead, their love a guiding light in the darkness.

Author's POV ends here!

Sitara's POV

As Chandran leaned back against the sofa, his exhaustion evident in every line of his body, I couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness wash over me. Without hesitation, I guided his head onto my lap, my fingers gently threading through his hair as I caressed his scalp with tender strokes.

"Chand ji," I whispered, my voice soft yet firm, "you need to rest. You can't keep pushing yourself like this."

He sighed wearily, his eyes fluttering closed as my touch lulled him into a state of relaxation. "I know, Taru," he murmured, his words barely audible, "but there's so much to do."

I shook my head gently, my heart aching for him. "No buts," I insisted, my tone unwavering. "You promised to take care of yourself, remember?"

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