Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:- Inner Turmoils

Author's POV

Chandran sat in his study, the dim light of his desk lamp casting long shadows across the room. The events of the past few days weighed heavily on his mind as he mulled over the mysterious transformation he witnessed in Tara. She had always been his rock, his anchor in the stormy seas of life, but now, seeing her in such a vulnerable state, filled him with a sense of unease.

He glanced at the clock on the wall, its hands ticking away the seconds with ominous finality. It was late, but sleep eluded him as he grappled with the questions swirling in his mind. What had caused Tara's sudden change? Was it a medical condition, or something more sinister?

With a sigh, Chandran rose from his chair and made his way to the window, gazing out at the quiet night sky. The twinkling stars offered no answers, only a sense of infinite vastness that mirrored the uncertainty of his thoughts.

He knew he needed to take action, to delve deeper into the mystery that had enveloped his wife. Determination hardened his resolve as he made a silent vow to uncover the truth, no matter the cost.

As he turned away from the window, a sense of purpose filled his heart. The journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but Chandran was ready to face them head-on. Tara's safety was his priority, and he would stop at nothing to protect her.

With renewed determination, Chandran began to plan his investigation, knowing that the road ahead would be long and treacherous. But for Tara, he was willing to brave any storm.

The following morning, Chandran wasted no time in initiating his investigation. He headed straight to the security office at the hospital, where he requested access to the surveillance footage from the night of the incident.

The security officer, a grizzled veteran named Ramu, greeted Chandran with a nod of recognition. "What can I do for you, ASP Agnihotri?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

"I need to review the security footage from the night of the incident involving my wife, Tara Agnihotri," Chandran replied, his tone firm and determined.

Ramu nodded in understanding and led Chandran to the monitoring room, where rows of screens displayed various camera feeds from around the hospital.

Chandran focused his attention on the screen displaying the entrance to Tara's room. He scrutinized the footage, searching for any signs of unusual behavior or unexpected visitors.

Hours passed as Chandran meticulously reviewed every frame, his eyes scanning for any clue that could shed light on Tara's condition. He watched as hospital staff came and went, their movements recorded for posterity.

Suddenly, Chandran's sharp gaze caught a flicker of movement in the corner of the screen. He leaned in closer, his heart pounding with anticipation, as he replayed the footage.

There, in the shadows, he saw it – a figure lurking in the hallway outside Tara's room, its features obscured by darkness. Chandran's pulse quickened as he realized the significance of this discovery.

He called Ramu over, his voice urgent. "Enhance that image," he instructed, pointing to the mysterious figure on the screen.

Ramu complied, zooming in on the grainy image until the figure came into clearer focus. Chandran's breath caught in his throat as he recognized the face staring back at him – it was Dr. Rattan, Tara's attending physician.

Confusion and suspicion warred within Chandran as he struggled to make sense of the revelation.

Why would Dr. Rattan be skulking outside Tara's room in the middle of the night? And what role did he play in her sudden transformation?

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