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Lunar path to fame,

Is there someone

With whom you didn't play?

Everything was always a game when it's you.

Serious fight when it's me,

Made of betrayal and treachery,

Don't you think I wasn't in the wrong

More than half the time?

The bruises were always purple,

You stung me in circles,

And I quivered in loneliness.

The scars were never-ending,

My heart should've stopped lending

Time, you should've started spending

The real sentence instead.

Life was so boring,

When you were always ignoring,

Me, when you were going out of your

Embarrassingly ordinary ways.

Tears and mascara,

Up soon on photorama,

For everyone to see and there is no dilemma.

If purple were the bruises,

Why am I confused and--

Why, oh why, did I give you so many

Third and fourth chances?

If your knife was passed around,

Is there someone it didn't cut?

Would everything have been fine if I didn't add that "but"?

I love you more than life,

You? Not enough to not lie.

"A second chance becomes a tenth. And the tenth becomes a life sentence. Watch out."

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