07 } Love Songs

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"Real. Because that's what you and I do, protect each other." - Katniss Everdeen

" - Katniss Everdeen

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THEY CAME FOR THEM in the morning. "Move it." The peacekeepers yelled. Each tribute, wearied from a night of restless anticipation, was approached by two peacekeepers. They clamped heavy shackles onto the wrists of the tributes, the cold metal biting into their skin. Then they forcefully pushed into a truck.

In the truck's dim interior, Wovey, looked at Aurora with wide, fearful eyes. "Is it starting?" she asked, her voice quivering, betraying the fear that had taken root deep within her.

"No, I don't think so, Wovey. It's too early," Aurora replied, her voice steady in an attempt to offer solace. She locked eyes with Wovey, pouring every ounce of comfort she could muster into her gaze.

The drive to their unknown destination was short, lasting no more than ten minutes, yet each second stretched on, with the weight of uncertainty. When the truck's doors swung open once again, the abrupt transition from the dim interior to the glaring light of day was disorienting. The tributes were herded out, not gently, but with a force that left no room for resistance, and funneled into a hall of unexpected grandeur.

Aurora's breath caught at the sight before her. Marble columns soared towards a vaulted ceiling, their surfaces gleaming in the soft light filtering through high windows. The opulence was a complete contrast to anything found in District 12, and for a fleeting moment, Aurora felt a bitter amusement at the Capitol's display of wealth. It was a cruel reminder of the differences between their worlds, and the thought that some in the Capitol lived in ignorance of such luxury only deepened the irony.

Their names being called out snapped Aurora back to the present. The man calling the roll had a distant look in his eyes, glazed and unfocused, as if he were somewhere far removed from the hall. Aurora couldn't help but wonder if he was taking something.

As each name echoed through the hall, a pair of Peacekeepers would promptly seize the called tribute by the arms. The tributes were then dragged, some more resistant than others, to a table.

As she was led to the table, her steps were reluctant but steady. The Peacekeepers' hands on her arms were firm, but she held her head high, refusing to show any sign of weakness. The shackles clinked ominously as they were secured, but Aurora's focus was elsewhere. She scanned the faces of the other tributes, seeking out Wovey's frightened gaze among them. In that moment, their eyes met, and Aurora offered a small, reassuring smile..

"For those that do not know me my name is Dean Highbottom. Your mentors will be arriving soon. I ask for your patience and silence," the man with the glazed eyes announced.

As silence enveloped the room, Aurora's thoughts turned to Coriolanus, questioning whether he would make an appearance, especially after the incident with Archane. This uncertainty ate at her, casting a deep shadow of doubt across her troubled mind.

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