09 } Explosions

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"A spark that, left unattended, may grow to an inferno that destroys Panem."
- President Snow

" - President Snow

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AURORA WAS SITTING at the table, scribbling words on her homework. Her father had left for work at the coal mines early in the morning, just as he always did. School had let out, and Aurora, along with her sister Josie, had returned home where their mother, a woman of striking beauty with brown curly hair and warm hazel eyes, was busy in the kitchen.

"Mom, Josie keeps pulling my hair," Aurora complained at the dinner table. They were sitting side by side, working on their homework while the comforting aroma of dinner wafted from the stove.

Josie's eyes sparkled with mischief, and a playful grin spread across her face. "I'm just trying to get your attention," she said, her voice laced with playfulness.

"Josie, stop pulling your sister's hair," their mom chided playfully, tapping Josie on the nose. Josie's giggles filled the room, and Aurora shot her a glare, feeling slightly annoyed.

"Oh, come on, sweetie," their mother coaxed Aurora with a gentle voice. "You know it breaks my heart to see you not smiling." And despite her irritation, Aurora couldn't resist breaking into a smile at her mother's words.

Then a sharp, alarming wail of a bomb siren was heard. Its suddenness jolted Aurora, and the house trembled violently as if echoing the fear in their hearts. Aurora's cry of terror mingled with the sound of dishes clattering to the ground, the once steady rhythm of home life thrown into chaos.

"Under the table, now!" their mother yelled, her voice a mix of fear and command. They moved quickly, driven by instinct and their mother's urgent tone. Their mom reached out, pulling Aurora and Josie close, sheltering them under her arms as they huddled under the table.

As the memory of holding Josie's hand during the bombing in District 12 flashed through her mind, Aurora felt a similar surge of fear in the arena. Back then, their small hands had clung together, a lifeline in the chaos. Now, in the arena, the feeling of terror returned with a vengeance.

Aurora's heart raced wildly, her grip on Coriolanus's hand tight, as if holding on could shield her from the danger. But when the explosion erupted in the arena, the force was so sudden and fierce that it tore her away from Coriolanus's grasp. She hit the ground hard, the impact knocking the breath out of her. The continuous explosions and tremors made it impossible for her to regain her footing.

"Aurora!" Coriolanus's voice reached her through the chaos, laced with concern and fear. He struggled against the instability, trying to reach her. Finally, he was by her side, his arms wrapping protectively around her waist as he pressed both of them close to the ground, shielding her as best as he could.

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