Empathy's Embrace

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Navigating life can indeed be challenging at times,

Its kind of hard moreover strange,

To live in a circumstance or to find ourselves,

In a situation where we did not actively participate,

Yet we experience the consequences on bad terms.

Its indeed hurting and disheartening,

To witness someone close lose hopes like that,

But what can we even offer,

If not be the voice of true motivation and inspiration,

With them in terms of support in their darkest hours.

That's all a person requires, I firmly believe,

Simple compassionate hands of someone on the shoulder,

A person who helps us rediscover belief in ourselves again,

To guide us through the stormy weather,

A caring person to remend our soul once more.

So let us be that guiding radiant light,

To those we cherish with all our heart,

Extending a helping hand during their trials,

And together mutually we can be,

Each other's influence in moments as such.

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