A better place

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Weird the people of this generation are,

Quick to doubt, quick to judge,

Blaming others but failing to see,

Power of changing the world,

That lies within our souls.

Doubts on the Universe's creativity,

Every time when things go wrong,

When it's them,

Who created a hell,

Out of the heaven we were gifted with.

God gifted us love, so pure and free,

We twisted its meaning,

From intimacy and connection,

We changed it to lust,

Forgetting the beauty of true love.

He gave us medicine to heal,

We created drugs to numb the pain.

He gifted us with friends,

We created foes out of them.

Yet for every evil thing,

Happening around in the world,

We put the blame on him.

But instead of blaming and pointing,

Let's see ourselves in the mirror first,

To make this game of life,

Simple, peaceful, and worth living,

We must take responsibility,

For the choices we are given.

Let's not blame the universe for our deeds,

When the power of changing lies within us.

Instead, let us be real in our hearts and minds,

And be the change and peace we hope to find.

To heal the wounds of our generation,

And bring about true peace within our souls,

Let's make use of this power we have in us,

And transform the world to a better place to live.

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