Chris was wrong

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⚠️Contains an overdose ⚠️

"Come on, join me!" my dad said, pulling me out of bed. I'm tired. "No" I said quietly. That's when he pulled me out fully, pulling me out of my room. He put his hands under my arms as he moved my lifeless body.

The light hit my eyes, blinding me temporarily. "Lets watch a movie, we haven't in forever!" he said blissfully, still hauling me downstairs.

"I'm tired," I whispered as he set me down on the couch.

"Lets see what movies we have," he murmered to himself while clicking the remote. "Avengers end game?" — "what about.. Spiderman?" I stayed silent waiting for everything to end. "Come on, pick!" he tried shaking me.

"Fine, I'll pick" he sighed, "I'm going to the washroom," he sat up and walked away, becoming a shadow.

I need to rest.

That's when a orange bottle entered my sight, my dads sleeping pills. That when something crossed my mind, something horrible.

The toilet flushed.

"You want popcorn or something?" he yelled from the kitchen.


"Oh shit- JJ?" he knelled next to me, shaking me. That's when I could see in the corner of my eye, my dad shakingly calling someone on the phone.

I can rest.

Everything went black.

As I stirred from my sleep, I heard a voice calling out to me. "Hey! JJ wake up," it said, jolting me awake. I slowly blinked my eyes, trying to adjust to the sudden light pouring into the room. Gradually, my vision cleared, and I saw Izzy standing over me, looking concerned. It took me a few moments to shake off the grogginess and fully regain my senses.. I must have had another nightmare, "it's supper now," Lizzy told me as I sat up. I rubbed my eyes, trying to get the sleepiness out of me.

"Nightmare again?" she asked and I nodded my head.

I have had nightmares, every single day since I've gotten here. Ever since I had overdosed. When Lizzy asks some days, I tell her that I didn't have one that night so she doesn't worry. A lot of other kids in here gets nightmares like this and Lilith never had helped us with it so I've never gotten any help for it. I'd assumed it go away a few weeks after being in the hospital, but it didn't.

"You zoned out, are you coming?" I realized I'd zoned out, Kayden has told me before that I think to much. I guess that's true.

"Yup," we started to walk down stairs and that's when I realized that the announcement was happening very soon.

"Lizzy, do you think May is an real estate agent?" I ask her out of the blue. "Why would you ask that?" she laughed and continued to walk towards the dining table that was slowly being filled.

"Chris told me," I whispered trying not to catch any ones attention. "Just because Chris tells you something, if doesn't mean it's true" she whispered back, giving me a reassuring touch on the back.

I guess that's true, he's still only our age. He can't know everything.

A bell rang, seeing Lilith again. "We shall do prayer, then begin to feast." she said, sitting down and starting the prayer. After it I began eating, for the first time today I felt calm. Lizzy didn't overreact when I had told her what Chris said, so why should I?

After we were done, Lilith rang the bell. I felt good, I thought I'd be going crazy because of May. But I wasn't. I trusted Lizzy.

"If you don't remember, I said that there will be an announcement!" Lilith was standing at the foot of the table. Everyone staring at her, waiting for the "news".

"If you don't know, May is my grand-daughter" Lilith smiled at May, everyone seemed surprised because Lilith never smiles. Wow, Chris thank you for making me worried today.

I searched for Chris, and found him. Secretly sending a middle finger his way. While he gave me a sarcastic smile and crossing his arms.

"But that's not the news, I'm handing over the house to her!" Wait does this mean we won't have grouchy old mean Lilith taking care of us anymore!? Everyone smiled, probably thinking the same thing.

"One problem, she's turning it into a organic coffee shop" my heart stopped. WHAT THE FUCK. I grabbed Lizzys hand and she looked at me obviously confused.

"So this means you guys are going" she paused "unfortunately.." Lilith sat back down, and gave us a grin while silence filled all of our ears.

"Where.. Are we going then..?" lia, which was one of the youngest girls asked quietly figeting with her fingers. "I don't know, but before Monday you guys better be packing" Lilith said getting out of her chair and walking away. "You guys are dismissed" her figure faded away.

I mean, Lizzy was right, Chris was wrong... But I didn't expect this was how I was going to feel when I found out he was wrong.

Sorry the chapter was short :(

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